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Who is the best President candidate for business & jobs
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Who is the best President candidate for business & jobs Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Brian Whelan
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Kildare
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Who is the best President candidate for business & jobs
Early in the campaign, Gay Mitchell suggested that we could not trust Martin McGuinness to sell Ireland.
Really unsure what planet Mitchell and his followers choose to live on. But, they must choose to purposely not notice -
The thousands of jobs created in Northern Ireland.
That is is easier to get a job in Northern Ireland.
That N.I. has a much lower unemployment rate than we do in the Republic.
Who played the most significant role in bringing all those new jobs in, making the economy surpass both Ireland and U.K.?
It was Martin McGuinness
Mitchell and his bias are choosing to live in the past, because the truth embarrasses their own poor performance.
Coca Cola and many other multi nationals tell the true story, highlight how pathetic and living in the past Gay Mitchell and his followers are.
The reality has been Martin McGuinness has worked tirelessly for jobs and social well being for all.
Who should we believe about Martin McGuinness and jobs and multi nationals? Gay Mitchell and his negative campaign or
Bill Flynn of Mutual of America who has stated that McGuinness would inspire admiration from Americans & encourage support
Bill Flynn, the head of a multi national tells us that the media and others are spreading false claims about Martin McGuinness. He makes the point clear - they are lying to us.
Martin McGuinnes is the type of man American business and the world over appreciate and admire.
Of course he is, who has heard of Gay Mitchell or Higgins or Sean Gallagher? few relevant to creating jobs that's for sure.
Ireland needs business and jobs.
So when we vote for President we should keep in mind who can help bring business into Ireland and jobs to Irish people.
Martin McGuinness or Sean Gallagher - are the only two credible candidates for President of Ireland.
Is Sean Gallagher that credible for jobs? In fact he is not!
He talks the walk but has never really walked it.
His small business only employed 50 people, and he has let go nearly half his staff.
Gallagher has created no significant new jobs.
In fact there are credible claims Gallagher has been in receipt of substantial government grants from Fine Fail, to create many of the jobs, some of which no longer exist.
That is not entrepreneur that is the grant chancery that has Ireland in recession.
The reality is few of us, (let alone the business world) knew of Sean Gallagher before he was on a RTE reality show.
He simply is not that credible for jobs.
President of Ireland.
Who would be the best candidate for business & jobs Ireland.
McGuinness is the jobs President, not Gallagher of Fine Fail.
I have never voted Sinn Fein in any election before and may never vote for them as a party.
But after detailed research and much consideration and comparisons, I will be voting for Martin McGuinness for President of Ireland.
I believe he is the candidate most likely to bring business and jobs into Ireland.
Who would be the best candidate for business for jobs Ireland.
I am annoyed with Fine Gael who are clearly using dirty tricks in this campaign. Certain members have behaved more like the worst of Fine Fail. Please just stop the tricks and tell us what your man can do, not what you want us to think of others .
If Mitchell is a good enough candidate then people will vote for him. I will not be, but he does not need Hogan making a difficult task, impossible.
If Hogan and other scare mongers like him are genuine - why did they not warn the people of Northern Ireland of the loss of business and jobs, before McGuinness got the job.
They are not genuine, they are only interested in protecting their political party.
Sorry Ireland is fed up with this, we are all Irish and live on a small Island. We need to move on, not re invent civil war politics.
Martin McGuinness is the best Presidential candidate for business for jobs. He has proven he is up to task already.
I do not like McGuinness past, I do not like Ian Paisleys past. But that is all in the past, and we must move on. It is over 10 years since the peace and continued growth and prosperity in N.I.
No party were all good or all bad up there.
They have moved on, and it is about time we did likewise
I am sure that the British never much cared for the Germans after two world wars, but did we see them acting like our inward and backward politicians? Did the French? No!
And let us be very clear those wars were of a horrific unimaginable scale in comparison.
So stop it Fine Gael, stop it Hogan, because it is you and the pathetic dirty tactics that may give Ireland a bad name, and raise doubts in the multi-nationals and potential investors.
The last thing Ireland needs right now is back biting politicians like Hogan.
It is unfair and simply not credible to imply business would be lost if Ireland had a President McGuinness.
On the contrary - on the business front, Martin McGuinness work with others in Northern Ireland has achieved outstanding results for business there.
Martin McGuinness would be good for business and jobs.
Martin McGuinness has been very effective on behalf of all business in Northern Ireland.
The number of jobs that Martin McGuinness has helped create in N.I. puts to shame the performance of ministers of The Republic of Ireland.
We have our children facing emigration, we want no more scare mongering to protect party politics. We want jobs and people who are going to work for all of Ireland.
Martin McGuinness has proven he is more than able, no other candidate has.
Martin McGuinness addresses the business community at 5 Leaders, 5 Days' an exclusive series of events by the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce.
'5 Leaders; 5 Days' provides a platform for the leader of each political party to outline their vision for the economy and job creation for the next five years in the run up to the 5th May 2011 elections.
Who would be the best candidate for business for jobs Ireland.
What job can a President do? that is relevant to our depressed economy.
Be there for the showcase events, getting business in and jobs for Ireland.
Martin McGuinness or Sean Gallagher - are the only two credible candidates for President of Ireland.
McGuinness has the plus points of being very well known and respected across the world, and has the experience.
Martin McGuinness has already done just this job and very efffectively.