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Who do you think you are Irish Catholic Protestant Ireland

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Babs Hamilton

Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Longford

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Who do you think you are Irish Catholic Protestant Ireland

Interesting insights to life of the poor Irish in the 19th century Ireland.
Rosie O'Donnell from native Irish Roman Catholic heritage
Graham Norton from the planter English and Church of England ancestors.
Both think they are Irish of Ireland - Rosie ends up confirming she is of Ireland and finds great hope and pride in tragedy.
Graham wanted to find his Irish links and feel properly part of Ireland - he ends up not finding that and still unsure, but contented to be able to go so far back to find ancestors.
Who do you think you are - stories of a Irish Catholic and Protestant families in Ireland.

Interesting notes taken from the Irish and American tv series.
In the Graham Norton who do you think you are -
The BBC version has the commentator describing the Church of England and church of Ireland as - a arm of the English government. Exactly the points Kev made with his post about church of Ireland tithes that made the Irish so poor, and some here criticized.

Those Church of Ireland tithes are mentioned in detail in the Protestant Irish connections. Initially I thought it distasteful when the current Pastor informed Graham Norton in a joke fashion that the tithes were forced on everyone, regardless of their faith. In retrospect laughter is a way some people cover their embarrassment - he certainly seemed a nice enough man.

From the Graham Norton show, We can witness that the church of Ireland has behaved very cruelly in Ireland. Historically the Church Of Ireland (the English Anglicans) ministers behaved not like Christians - but just like some claim extreme Islam might do if given power.
The current pastor was honest, he tells us how in Irish history the Church of Ireland ministers also created the local laws, and that some ministers actively led hunting expeditions against any Irish people who tried to defy the English state laws and tithes. The minister he described in the Wicklow town of Carnew was notorious for hunting down and murdering Irish people in cold blood. Few of them were men of any Christian morals or God.

Rosie O'Donnell
She was very upset to witness the poverty and inhumanity her ancestors faced. She in her own words describes the English workhouses as being like concentration camps.

Oh and it turns out many if not most Irish protestants today are not descended from genuine protestant settlers or were even foreign! Many Irish who are of church of Ireland family are actually descended from the poorest of Irish children who somehow managed to survive Anglican child abuse in Ireland on a unprecedented scale of evil abuse in Ireland.

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