| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: David Norris the only gay in Ireland views on Pedophilia. |
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David Norris the only gay in Ireland views on Pedophilia.
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David Norris the only gay in Ireland views on Pedophilia. Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Gerard Delaney Tipperary
Sceala Philosopher
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
David Norris the only gay in Ireland views on Pedophilia.
I used to quite like David Norris as a Senator, back when I thought they - Senators, actually did something. Like most in Ireland I was mistaking rants for deeds. We all now know that the Senate is and always has been a waste of tax payers money and anti-democratic.
Fed up with this charade of David Norris.
David Norris the only gay in Ireland
Daffyd Thomas for David Norris from Little Britain - same difference.
David Norris insults 21st century Irish intelligence - he is still carrying on like a old Pantomime Dame, as if he is the only gay in Ireland.
Like plenty in the media have said, David Norris makes the point of his gay life being irrelevant so often, too often, that you have to conclude - he is using his homosexuality to promote himself.
David Norris being gay does not bother me, how or why are we supposed to know the sexuality for any of the candidates. Who cares. Only David Norris seems to. Looks like Norris is seeking the gay and sympathy vote.
David Norris being Gay would not put me off voting for him if I thought he was genuine, and up to the task for President - I don't think David Norris is either of those.
Norris will not be alone in those counts, others standing are just like him looking for the status of Presidency.
David Norris as a President? views on Pedophilia.
As parents we need to be far more concerned with David Norris views on young children -teenagers.
In the quoted article from Magill magazine, dated 2002. The author has concerns about Senator David Norris seems to express his approval of Pedophilia in ancient Greece.
Following the interview David Norris gave to Magill magazine,
the Irish newspaper- Ireland on Sunday ran a headline story accusing him of defending Pedophilia. In one headline, “Senator Backs Sex With Children” above , “Fury at gay’s ‘paeodphilia is OK’ message”.
Senator Norris claimed he was quoted "out of context", saying he was referring to young men in their early 20s and youths no younger than 17.
Senator David Norris, Magill Article 2002
Magill Magazine, January 2002, pp34-36
David Norris: The Free Radical.
Interview by Helen Lucy Burke.
...I found some of his views on sexual matters deeply disturbing - notably on sex with minors...
"In terms of classic paedophilia, as practised by the Greeks for example, where it is an older man introducing a younger man or boy to adult life, I think there can be something to be said for it. And in terms of North African experience this is endemic.
Now again, this is not something that appeals to me, although when I was younger it would most certainly have appealed to me in the sense that I would have greatly relished the prospect of an older, attractive, mature man taking me under his wing, lovingly introducing me to sexual realities, and treating me with affection and teaching me about life - yes, I think that would be lovely; I would have enjoyed that."...
"But I think there is complete and utter hysteria about this subject, and there is also confusion between ... paedophilia and pederasty..."[David Norris clarified this later, explaining that genital sexual penetration of juveniles of either sex would be inappropiate and harmful]...
"In my opinion, the teacher, or Christian Brother, who puts his hand into a boy's pocket during a history lesson, that is one end of the spectrum. but then there is another: there is the person who attacks children of either sex, rapes them, brutalises them, and then murders them. But the way things are presented here it's almost as if they were all exactly the same and I don't think they are. and I have to tell you this -- I think that the children in some instances are more damaged by the condemnation than by the actual experience."
The right of unfettered sexual activity guided by the principle of mutual consent would be Norris's perception of the way things should be, with a bar only on intimidation, bullying or bribery. He did not appear to endorse any minimum age or endure any protest that a child was not capable of informed consent. "The law in this sphere should take in to account consent rather than age". When I asked about incest, he hesitated, and concluded that in the case of girls a case could be made for a ban, as possible resulting pregnancy might be genetically undesirable...
Ability of the younger person to give meaningful consent. David Norris, a current Irish senator and gay activist, interviewed in Magill magazine (Jan 2002) took a line which caused the journalist to say, “He (David Norris) did not appear to endorse any minimum age, or endorse my protest that a child was not capable of informed consent.” I don’t believe that’s in God’s plan.
"if there is one thing i do resent
it was that there were so many experiences of young manhood were stolen from me"
I guess even he never thought his words would come back to haunt him.
A ranting old windbag who adores himself, he was bound to forget just how high he had placed the martyrs pedestal/throne for himself to climb upon.