Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Debt forgiveness for Irish home owners

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Debt forgiveness for Irish home owners

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Sceala Philosopher
Location: Carlow

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Debt forgiveness for Irish home owners

People should pay their debts, but the Irish people have no duty to pay the debts of corrupt European banks.
Corrupt bankers and criminals have been bailed out. So there can be no excuse for not helping the typical young family now in crisis street because the Government encouraged it all. The Irish government effectively enforced greed and corruption in the mortgage markets and home ownership.
What choice did any of us have but to buy property at inflated prices. Remember the Irish government said at the time these prices were value for money. Still saying it as markets were collapsing. Remember Bertie's wondering about the moaners and doom merchants who were trying to warn us all of the dangers. Bertie wondered why they did not go and commit suicide.

The big corrupt European banks were the ones who loaned the money to the Anglo Irish bank to start the corruption ball rolling.
The French British and German banks, are now all at extreme risk, all up to their necks in debts they should have know were not credible.
Irish people should not have paid them a cent, but we were all forced to cover corruption. We never borrowed any of the billions spent by criminals speculating in property, much of it in London and other parts of the UK.
The report last night showed the European, especially the German and UK banks are basically bankrupted if the cards start to fall. Greece is going to explode it all down hill.

Debt forgiveness for Irish home owners
If we were forced to cover corruption, then surely we have a moral duty to cover those Irish people trapped in the collapse. Help those who genuinely can't pay, not those who don't want to.
High Court Master urges debt forgiveness move
The Master of the High Court has rejected criticism that remarks he made on banks driving some borrowers to suicide were inflammatory.
The Master of the High Court, Edmund Honohan, has rejected criticism that remarks he made yesterday that banks were driving some debt-ridden borrowers to suicide were inflammatory.
The Irish Bankers' Federation said the comments were too emotive.
Speaking on RTE radio, Mr Honohan said that he had met the widows of people driven to take their own lives over relatively small debts.
He also said that a 'fresh start' scheme of debt forgiveness should be introduced for people.
Yesterday, the Master of the High Court strongly criticised banks and other credit institutions for the relentless pursuit of those unable to pay their debts.
Mr Honohan said the pursuit of people to the bitter end as part of an accountancy exercise to write off debts for tax relief was leading to social disquiet and driving some people to suicide.
Mr Honohan, who deals with a range of applications including the enforcement of judgment mortgages, said new laws are needed to protect those unable to pay their debts. He added that a level of 'debt forgiveness' needs to the introduced.

Ireland still sentences people for credit debts, the law is like the middle ages here, that is not fair or sensible.

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