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irish holy week and easter watch listen online from ireland Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
irish holy week and easter watch listen online from ireland
i could not post a new topic on here for a while. seems to be working again for me now.
i would have posted this last week , before holy week began.
happy easter to everyone back home in ireland and those of us in other lands.
may the peace of christ be with you.
there are some wonderfull services today for those who can not get to holy mass. these are irish times not nz.
irish holy week and easter watch listen online from ireland
Friday 22nd April - Good Friday
Paul Herriott in Tempo includes Pergolesi's Stabat Mater in his musical selection. (RTÉ Lyric FM)
Dying To Live. Aidan Mathews presents a scripted reflection, as a footnote to Good Friday. (RTE Radio One. All wavelengths.)
Dr Godfrey Brown, former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, leads a Service for Good Friday, with readings from scripture by his wife, Margaret Brown, and music from the Tullamore Gospel Choir, directed by Brendan Keeley. (RTÉ Radio One LW252 / Digital Platforms)
Solemn Liturgy for Good Friday. Fr Kieran O'Brien is principal celebrant for this passion liturgy, which comes from St John's Church, Tralee, Co. Kerry. Music and passion drama directed by Fr Pat Ahern. The broadcast is simulcast on RTÉ Radio One (LW252 / digital platforms), with live commentry by Mary Curtin. (RTÉ Raidio na Gaeltachta)
Craolfar Searmanas na Aoine an Chéasta ó Theach Pobail Mhuire sna Doirí Beaga. Is é an tAthair Brian Ó Fearraigh a bheidh ina cheiliúrai. (RTÉ Raidio na Gaeltachta)
The Lyric Concert features Bach's Mass in B Minor, recorded at the NCH, Dublin, featuring Malin Christenssen, Alison Browner, Sean Clayton, Matthew Hargreaves and the RTÉ Philharmonic and National Symphony Orchestra . (RTÉ Lyric FM)
the full listings for easter week and holy week online from rte.
Easter Programmes 2011
RTÉ Worship homepage.
Religious Programmes for Holy Week and Easter, 2011 on RTÉ Television and Radio
Sunday 17th April - Palm Sunday
Gloria. Tim Thurston introduces a selection of sacred music including Bach's St Matthew Passion, Mozart's Requiem and Victoria's Responsories. (RTÉ Lyric FM)
Mass for Palm Sunday from the Cathedral of the Assumption, Carlow. The celebrant is Fr Rory Nolan. (RTÉ Radio One LW 252 / Digital platforms)
Passion of Jesus : Passion for Jesus - a Holy Week Reflection from Saint Canice's Cathedral, Kilkenny with Bishop Michael Burrows and the Dean of Ossory, the Very Revd Katherine Poulton. St. Canice's Cathedral Choir directed by Malcolm Proud. (RTÉ Radio One LW252 / Digital platforms)
Fr Dan Joe O'Mahony celebrates Mass for Palm Sunday with the choir and congregation of Our Lady's Church, Castleknock, Dublin, directed by Rosalind O'Dowd. (RTÉ One)
Aifreann an Lae ar Dhomhnach na Pailme, deo ó Shéipéal Muire, an Daingean, Co Chiarrai. (RTÉ Raidio na Gaeltachta)
In A Strange Land - Passover in Exile. As well as being a holy week for Christians, this week also sees the start of the 8-day Jewish festival of Passover (Pesach). In this short film, Rabbi Zalman Lent explains how it'sa time when he encourages Jews from overseas who are working in Ireland to come together in celebration of their faith and culture. (RTÉ One)
Thursday 21st April - Holy Thursday
Fr Joe McGee celebrates Mass of the Lord's Supper in the RTÉ Television studios with the choir and congregation of Caheragh Parish in West Cork. (RTÉ Two)
Mass of the Lord's Supper from the Cathedral of the Assumption, Carlow with music from the Cathedral Music ministry. The celebrant is Fr Padraig Shelley. (RTÉ Radio One LW 252 / Digital platforms)
Passion In The Pale. In Lent, 2010, first-time filmmaker, Patrick Butler, followed the preparations for two very different artistic interpretations of the Easter story, on either side of the Liffey. In St Werburgh's church, American director, Ruth Palileo, prepared to stage a Passion Play with a group of amateur actors - in the church and its graveyard and on the streets of central Dublin, culminating in a crucifixion inside the gates of Dublin Castle, on Good Friday. Meanwhile, across the river, Blanaid Murphy was rehearsing two choirs and the Orchestra of St Cecilia for a performance of Bach's St Matthew Passion. The film, which was shot, directed and edited by Butler, asks: what is it about this 2000 year old story, which continues to inspire and move so many people in so many different ways? (RTÉ One)
Friday 22nd April - Good Friday
Paul Herriott in Tempo includes Pergolesi's Stabat Mater in his musical selection. (RTÉ Lyric FM)
Dying To Live. Aidan Mathews presents a scripted reflection, as a footnote to Good Friday. (RTE Radio One. All wavelengths.)
Dr Godfrey Brown, former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, leads a Service for Good Friday, with readings from scripture by his wife, Margaret Brown, and music from the Tullamore Gospel Choir, directed by Brendan Keeley. (RTÉ Radio One LW252 / Digital Platforms)
Solemn Liturgy for Good Friday. Fr Kieran O'Brien is principal celebrant for this passion liturgy, which comes from St John's Church, Tralee, Co. Kerry. Music and passion drama directed by Fr Pat Ahern. The broadcast is simulcast on RTÉ Radio One (LW252 / digital platforms), with live commentry by Mary Curtin. (RTÉ Raidio na Gaeltachta)
Craolfar Searmanas na Aoine an Chéasta ó Theach Pobail Mhuire sna Doirí Beaga. Is é an tAthair Brian Ó Fearraigh a bheidh ina cheiliúrai. (RTÉ Raidio na Gaeltachta)
The Lyric Concert features Bach's Mass in B Minor, recorded at the NCH, Dublin, featuring Malin Christenssen, Alison Browner, Sean Clayton, Matthew Hargreaves and the RTÉ Philharmonic and National Symphony Orchestra . (RTÉ Lyric FM)
Saturday, 23rd April - Holy Saturday
The Easter Vigil from the Cathedral of the Assumption, Carlow. Celebrant: Father Rory Nolan. Cathedral Music Ministry, directed by Marian Gaynor. Organists : John Egan, Marian Gaynor and Conor Maguire. (RTÉ Radio One LW252 / Digital Platforms)
Easter Vigil Mass from St John's Church, Tralee. The Principal Celebrant is Fr Sean Hanafin; the director of Music is Fr Pat Ahern and among the readers is this year's Rose of Tralee, Clare Kamabamettu. (RTÉ One)
Sunday 24th April - Easter Sunday
Gloria. Tim Thurston offers a selection of sacred music to celebrate Easter Sunday.
Mass for Easter Sunday celebrated by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in St Peter's Square, Rome. Followed by.
Urbi et Orbi. The Pope's Easter Message to the world. With live commentary from Fr Thomas McCarthy, OP. (RTÉ One)
Mass for Easter Sunday from the Cathedral of Our Lady & St Nicholas, Galway. The Cathedral Choir, directed by Raymond O'Donnell, performs a Haydn Mass in its liturgical setting. (RTÉ Radio One LW252 / Digital Platforms)
Morning Worship for Easter Day from Sydenham Methodist Church, East Belfast. The service is conducted by the Rev. Karen Spence with organist, George Yendall. (RTÉ Radio One LW252 / Digital Platforms)
Aifreann an Lae ó Theach Pobail Mhuire sna Doirí Beaga. Is é an tAthair Pádraig Ó Baoill a bheidh ina cheiliúrai. (RTÉ Raidio na Gaeltachta)
Service for Easter Sunday. Patricia Shouri leads members of Teen Challenge, a drug rehab programme based in Tiglin, Co. Wicklow, in a service which celebrates their very real and personal experiences of resurrection. (RTÉ One)
The Da Vinci Shroud explores the latest theories about the famous piece of cloth, which some believe bears an imprint of the body of the crucified Christ. (RTÉ One)
Monday 25th April - Easter Monday
The Private Life Of A Masterpiece - The Taking Of Christ. (RTÉ One)
Were You There.? Joe Duffy talks to five people whose personal experiences may offer particular insights into some of the key figures in the Easter story. The Rev. Julie Nicholson is an Anglican priest, whose daughter, Jenny, was killed in the London underground bombs of 7/7/05. She has withdrawn from active ministry, because of her inability to lead others in worship based around forgiveness, when she herself cannot forgive her daughter's killer. Here, however, she talks about the inspiration and solace she takes from the figure of Mary, who also
experienced the brutal death of her child. Tommy O'Neill is best known now as Det. Sgt Deegan in RTÉ's Fair City, but previously served time for armed robbery. What, if anything, does the
story of the good thief, promised paradise by Jesus on the cross, have to say to him? Rabbi David Rosen is a former Chief Rabbi of Ireland and has been a key figure in building positive relations
between Christians and Jews. He's even a Papal Knight. What does he make of the role ascribed to the Chief Priest, the Pharisees and the Jews in the Gospel accounts of the Passion -
accounts which have given rise to centuries of mutual resentment and prejudice between members of the two faiths? Mary Smith is a survivor of the notorious Magdalene Laundries, who
is struck by the stigma attached down the centuries to Mary Magdalene and how it contrasts with Jesus' own attitude towards her. She was, after all, a witness of the crucifixion and the first
person to see the risen Christ. Does this give Mary any encouragement? Fr Niall Ahern was falsely accused of abuse and experienced his own Calvary of vilification and alienation as a
result. Does the betrayal of Christ by Judas resonate at all with him and if so, can he learn from Christ's reaction to it? (RTÉ Radio One. All wavelengths.)
happy easter
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