Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Queens visit to Ireland. Irish opinion poll on Queen's visit

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Queens visit to Ireland. Irish opinion poll on Queen's visit

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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- Queens visit to Ireland. Irish opinion poll on Queen's visit
Irish Author Queens visit to Ireland. Irish opinion poll on Queen's visit Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Boyle Bru

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Ireland

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Queens visit to Ireland. Irish opinion poll on Queen's visit

Can we have one of these opinion polls.
Queens visit to Ireland opinion poll

Question could be something like
What do the Irish people think about the Queen of England's visit to Ireland.

Very happy with Queen's proposed visit

Not interested in the Queen of England

Oppose /object to the Queen visiting Ireland at this time.

Oppose /object to the Queen visiting Ireland at any time.

Personally speaking, I am not quite sure how I feel about this visit. On the one hand, she is not personally responsible for all the past murders and other crimes in Ireland.
On the other hand, she represents the institution that benefited the most out of past war and other crimes against humanity in Ireland.
Should we just forget that, pretend it never happened?
We Irish do need to move on, but so do the British. I am amazed that so many English people do not seem get it. It is not personal against them. Their monarchy is the main reason why so many old colonial nations have issues with the idea of English people. And that is so unfair.
It has never been the ordinary English people benefiting from making war and famine in Ireland or any of the many other places the British interfered with, but the English royal family did benefit from colony, the English Queen has and big time.
The reason for colonizing Ireland was for their benefit.
You do not see ordinary English people claiming symbols of Ireland as theirs. The Queen of England still claims she has automatic power over Irish people, and ownership of Irish land.
Why do we say nothing about this?
What other nation would remain silent?
If she comes to Ireland, perhaps someone can ask the Queen why she and her family have done this to Irish people. Why she has encouraged so much harm and hurt in Ireland. Many Irish people have lost their life in her name.

Opposition to visit of British Queen to Ireland
The Irish do not want the Queen of England here
British Queen's visit to Ireland itinerary
Protest the British Queen's visit to Ireland
The British queen must apologize to the Irish
Queen awarded a OBE to killer boss

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