| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Irish version of RC religion was a British invention |
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Irish version of RC religion was a British invention Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Irish Tim Brazil
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Recife Brazil
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Irish version of RC religion was a British invention
Regarding Ireland and religious divide. You said
Ireland has been abused for hundreds of years by these imported fake religions, RC included. The Anglo and British colonials set these religions up in Ireland. The British organized religion here, approved the corruption, they did it to make sure the population was kept down and divided and ignorant.
They knew what they were doing.
We should have had a total revolution. Got rid of all the old powers, because they are all evil at their corrupt core.
Can you show any actual evidence of such a unusual claim.
Evidence to support the claim that the Roman Catholic religion in Ireland was a British invention, will go here:
In 1798 the Irish people tried to establish their freedom and independence. Irish men and women of all religions and non-religious alike, united as one Irish nation. RC and Protestant and dissenters called themselves the united Irishmen.
The Period - post American war of Independence and pre 1798 in Ireland
Tensions were growing in Ireland, the Irish people were demanding liberty and independence, a Republic.
The English Crown had recently been defeated in America, were now terrified of losing another colony.
In this period the English Crown government devised a new plan to divide the Irish nation, prevent unity. Once again the plan entailed controlling both of the rival factions they had purposely engineered.
In 1795 the Orange Order was founded as an auxiliary military force by the English to counteract the spread of the United Irishmen on the ground.
Also in 1795, long before official emancipation, the English Crown took control of the RC church in Ireland.
The Anglo administration funded the new St Patrick's College seminary for Roman Catholic priests, Maynooth. Which ensured the support and loyalty of the Irish Catholic hierarchy.
All new Roman Catholic priests in Ireland had to swear a oath of loyalty to England and the English crown.
Lecturers and students had to swear a oath of allegiance to the English monarch. The Roman Catholic priests oath of loyalty to the English crown continued well into the latter part of the 19th century.
The majority Irish people in 1798 were RC and they had assumed that the Irish RC church would be on their side, the side of Irish independence. But the Catholic church was a traitor to the Irish people just as they had been before and would be again.
The RC church can not excuse their treachery by claiming they deplore political violence or war for political ends. Irish RC priests and Bishops have a long history of blessing the British war machine.
Post 1798 The foundations of the cruel bully Irish priest teacher are created by English law.
Bishops of Maynooth colluded with the English Crown to destroy Irish culture and language.
1831 legislation brought the so-called national schools into existence. Of course, national in this case meant English. English was the language of instruction. Not only was Irish not taught but children were punished for speaking Irish among themselves. An array of tools were employed to this end - tally sticks,(where a notch was marked in a stick each time Irish was spoken, at the end of the day this would equal the punishment) wooden gags(for persisitant offenders), humiliation(dunce hats) and mockery (the teacher/priest would point out the idiot child who spoke Irish). This practise, in one form or another, continued until the early years of the last century.
Likewise, the Industrial schools were not a natural Irish invention, they were set up under British control.
The Irish government of the free state and Republic were made bankrupt by purchasing their freedom from the English Crown.
Corrupted and poor Ireland unfortunately kept in place most British laws and practices.
It should not be forgotten these cruel institutions were established under the English crown.