Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Broke Britain printing money - loan to Ireland

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Broke Britain printing money - loan to Ireland

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Sceala Clann Counsellor
Location: Kent

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Broke Britain printing money - loan to Ireland

Everyone English here in England is asking -- why are we borrowing Ireland billions -- besides the point that most usually say -- why are we giving Ireland billions hahahehe
The UK is like some corrupt South American state trying to pretend they are not broke. Printing more and more money -- hoping the economy has a miracle. There is not going to be any economic miracle for the UK. Printing money lasts so long - everyone knows -- Britain dare not show anyone the fiddled books-- the dodgy accounts. Because the UK economic accounts add up to Broken Britain.
Everyone with common sense here knows the truth about the loan to Ireland -- UK is borrowing even more money to make out a loan to Ireland -- in the hope of making money. That is why -- in a time of public cut backs in the UK -- the UK Finance minister, George Osborne, rushed over to Ireland claiming Britain was a friend in need -- George Osborne could not get over to Ireland quick enough.
They must think the British are all stupid -- trouble is most of them are.
The UK is broke.
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The UK is going to be a very bad place to live in for the foreseeable future. Sold out by both the Conservatives and Labour.
Record UK borrowing raises concerns
Government borrowing rose from £17.4bn a year ago to £23.3bn in November, the highest total for a single month since records began in 1993, and much higher than the £17bn that economists had predicted.
Howard Archer, economist at IHS Global Insight, described the November data as “truly horrible and much worse than expected”.
The government plans to cut spending by £81bn and raise taxes by £29bn by 2014-15 to close the hole in the public finances. Some economists fear that the speed and the scale of the consolidation in public spending could undermine the recovery.

The recent overshoots are worrying because weaker growth in tax receipts and higher spending suggest that the economy may be slowing.

UK Homeowners should prepare for a ten-fold interest rate increase, warns Bank of England markets chief Paul Fisher
Homeowners should start preparing for interest rate rises ahead of a return to “normalised” levels of around 5pc, a senior Bank of England official has warned.
People are struggling to break even in the UK now -- things can only get worse in Broken Britain.
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