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British profit billions targeting Ireland.

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Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Derry roots

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     British profit billions targeting Ireland.

Some interesting quotes from these Irish boards

How kind of the British to give us back - as a loan - some of the billions they made by targeting Ireland - their supposed neighbor - and vital export market.
It was appropriate that it was the Anglo Irish bank at the source of such evil.
The Anglo Irish - The English - have brought poverty to the Irish nation once again.

The UK wants to help Ireland - see Machiavellian.
No. The UK wants the Irish tax payer to re capitalize their own British banks, that is their interest.
September marked Ireland’s point of no return in the banking crisis. During that month, €55 billion of bank bonds (held mainly by UK, German, and French banks) matured and were repaid, mostly by borrowing from the European Central Bank.

The British banks that were bust to hundreds of billions just re-wrote the accounts, turned massive losses into shares.

Then the British banks took advantage of Ireland's honesty-naivety. The British banks have made billions out of Ireland, by speculating, buying up bonds they knew were high risks and dangerous. They did not deserve to be paid any guarantee.
In effect - The Irish tax payer has been re-capitalizing the bust British banks. And now perversely the British are presenting themselves as friends - willing to provide us with a loan.

Like others on here, I was wondering how some of the British bust banks are all of a sudden making profits. Same time period as Lenihan pays out the speculators 55 billion.

In summary - The same speculators and gamblers who set out to destroy the Irish economy, now want to give us another credit card. Is this a correct conclusion?

The British did this to Norway. The UK is a broken and bust society. England has no manufacturing base, it can only make wealth through its city financiers and exporting Weapons Of Mass Destruction. The city is not English, they are Vultures who will eventually turn in on themselves and the bust UK.

Norwegians do not like the British.
UK's moves to seize the assets of this isolated European state have provoked a backlash of feeling and escalating resentment.
"They treated us like terrorists."
Talk to the people, the government, the media, in fact anybody in Iceland, and that is the overwhelming feeling about Britain these days.

A doddering and blustering Peer of the Realm, has unwittingly provided proof that the Bank Of England and City of London stock exchange, will act as extensions of the UK political state.
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Addressing fellow peers late on Monday night Lord James said:
"I have had one of the biggest experiences in the laundering of terrorist money and funny money that anyone has had in the City. I have handled billions of pounds of terrorist money."

Labour peer Baroness Hollis of Heigham asked: "Where did it go to?"

Lord James, a respected corporate troubleshooter, replied: "Not into my pocket. My biggest terrorist client was the IRA and I am pleased to say that I managed to write off more than £1billion of its money.

"I have also had extensive connections with north African terrorists, but that was of a far nastier nature, and I do not want to talk about that because it is still a security issue. I hasten to add that it is no good getting the police in, because I shall immediately call the Bank of England as my defence witness, given that it put me in to deal with these problems."
However Lord James said today that he had not intended to imply he had done anything improper.
He told technology and business website ZDNet UK that he had been brought into five companies between 1989 and 1997/98 at the direction of the Bank of England.
Lord James' express instructions were to run the companies down and liquidise the assets as they had been identified as conduits for IRA funds.
"The IRA had five companies completely ruined. They had built the companies up as pensions funds.
"I'm a money washer, not a money launderer," he said.

If this is any example of what the Bank of England can get up to. Targeting and destroying any business at the UK states behest and hearsay - without producing any evidence or fair trial. We must not doubt that the UK state itself used the city of London to make billions targeting Ireland bonds. Their banks were bust, so they robbed Irish banks.

Thank all you guys. This is the other side to the story that is headline news everywhere.
Here is something you may be interested to watch.

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Ireland should go bankrupt, not pay out for losses accrued by the foreign finance markets hi-risk gamblers.

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