Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Asylum seekers Ireland the cash cow business.

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Asylum seekers Ireland the cash cow business.

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Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Asylum seekers Ireland the cash cow business.

16 nov 2024


Irish Community Video

Thu Oct 21, 2010

The vast majority > 72% of Irish people want to see a reduction in the number of non-Irish immigrants living here.
Source - Irish Times /Behaviour Attitudes opinion poll.
The Irish people do not want the unprecedented number of foreign economic immigrants already scamming Ireland.

In the last decade, Ireland had the highest levels of immigration in the world.
Fine Fail and Fine Gael, they both defend the unprecedented and unfair levels of immigration into Ireland.
A million immigrants flooded into Ireland in just a few years, Ireland had a population of 4 million.

What about Irish native culture and our rights to our nation?

To comprehend a similar impact, imagine -

15 million foreign immigrants going into the UK, 15 million inside of a single decade.
75 million foreign immigrants allowed into the United States, 75 million inside of a single decade.

This is not a fair or sensible immigration policy, this is invasion and colonization by economic means.
All our politicians do is talk about immigrant rights and welfare.
The Irish people did try and say enough is enough, we voted No to Lisbon.
Both Fine Fail and Fine Gael ignored the Irish people and democracy, they demanded we vote again for the Lisbon Treaty, this time with the deception of promising jobs.

It is no coincidence that Ireland has a unprecedented number of immigrants, our politicians encourage them. Immigrants are still coming, our politicians are approving work visas for non EU when we have 15% unemployment.

While our own most vulnerable native Irish are left to the streets.
Recession is blamed as 5,000 homeless living on streets
Asylum seekers Ireland the cash cow business.
The state is spending more than 91.5million euro a year to accommodate 7000 asylum seekers, due to 7yr backlog. There are 14,131 'leave to remain' applicants whom the Justice Dept. describes as having 'unfounded' claims for asylum.
source: Irish Examiner

While our health, education systems are breaking down and Irish people are being encouraged to emigrate.
Our politicians are actively encouraging the immoral to make a business out of asylum seekers.
State gives private companies 182m to run asylum centres
Private companies have won contracts worth more than 182m to run asylum seeker accommodation centres

Asylum seekers Ireland the cash cow business.
Irish Independent investigation reveals.
New records show how the slow pace of Ireland's asylum process has proved a cash cow for a small number of companies who secured major state contracts.
With some asylum cases taking up to six years to finalise, the business of providing applicants with food and shelter has been a lucrative one.
Figures obtained under freedom of information rules reveal for the first time the size of the contracts awarded to individual companies
It has also emerged that at least two businesses involved in providing asylum services have made political donations to Fianna Fail.
There is no suggestion that the donations influenced the awarding of contracts.
The Department of Justice has refused to reveal how much contractors were paid over the past two years, claiming the information is commercially sensitive.

However, records released from 2002 to the end of 2007 reveal how 28 companies and individual business people each won contracts worth over 1m to run accommodation centres.
While contractors must meet the cost of all services provided, including staffing, management and housekeeping, out of the contract amount, Companies Office records show that most businesses involved have made handsome profits from the ventures.
The revelations come just weeks after a Department of Justice value-for-money report found that state-owned accommodation was costing the taxpayer less per person than privately owned operations.
The report also found that there was restricted competition between private contractors and that recent increases negotiated in the cost of some contracts were too high.
Changes proposed in a new immigration bill are expected to see the amount of state funds paid to private operators fall as officials aim to speed up the asylum process.

The largest beneficiary of asylum centre contracts revealed in the records was Dundalk-based firm East Coast Catering Ireland, which won contracts worth 47.5m.
Most of the cash was for running the Balseskin Reception Centre at St Margaret's in Co Dublin. It is the main reception centre for newly arrived asylum seekers in the State and has been used to house up to 420 people at a time.
Its directors are Dundalk businessmen Denis Williams and Brian Byrne and Canada-based duo Patrick O'Callaghan and Richard Sheppard.
The most recent accounts filed for the company show after-tax profits of �1.3m for 2006. The same year dividends of 1.1m were paid to shareholders.

The second biggest contract winner was Millstreet Equestrian Services Ltd, a company owned by well-known entrepreneur Noel C Duggan.
Mr Duggan rose to national prominence when his Green Glens Arena in Millstreet, Co Cork, hosted the Eurovision Song Contest in 1993. He also gave evidence at the Mahon Tribunal, where he testified to making a 5,000 donation to Fianna Fail in 1994.
According to the Department of Justice records, his company won contracts worth 15.9m for asylum centre accommodation in Mallow, Co Cork, Carrick-on-Suir, Co Tipperary, and Killarney, Co Kerry. He also runs the Millstreet Accommodation Centre in Co Cork.
The company made post-tax profits of 325,000 in 2008 and 272,500 the previous year. The figures do not differentiate between profits made by the company's asylum services and their equestrian activities.

Foxfield Inns Ltd, a company run by Galway hoteliers Kevin, Sheila and Mary Flannery, won contracts worth almost 15.2m to run an asylum centre with a capacity of 230 in Salthill.
The records did not include figures for the asylum centre in Mosney, Co Meath, which has a contract to house 650 people.
- Shane Phelan
Irish Independent

When the next budget makes cuts, the corrupt liberal Irish media will not even mention the asylum scams, and unprecented levels of immigrants that have destroyed Ireland.

Cowen and Lenihan will cut out the hearts of the native population, easy targets that they can't be accused of 'racism'.

It is not racism to ask for a stop to this.
Fine Fail or Fine Gael - there is no difference
Both happy to sell the soul of Ireland and both have taken the native Irish for fools.
In the last decade, Ireland had the highest levels of immigration in the world.
Fine Fail and Fine Gael, they both defend the unprecedented and unfair levels of immigration into Ireland.
A million immigrants flooded into Ireland in just a few years, Ireland had a population of 4 million.
What about Irish native culture and our rights to our nation?
To comprehend a similar impact, imagine -
15 million foreign immigrants going into the UK, 15 million inside of a single decade.
75 million foreign immigrants allowed into the United States, 75 million inside of a single decade.

This is not a fair or sensible immigration policy, this is invasion and colonization by economic means.
All our politicians do is talk about immigrant rights and welfare.
The Irish people did try and say enough is enough, we voted No to Lisbon.
Both Fine Fail and Fine Gael ignored the Irish people and democracy, they demanded we vote again for the Lisbon Treaty, this time with the deception of promising jobs.

Immigrant welfare fraud in Ireland is only part of the problem. They are encouraged here.
Cowen and co made a social welfare system that now hands out more money to foreign immigrant adults who choose to come here, than it provides to native Irish under 21 who genuinely need welfare assistance.
Our own Irish school and college leavers who can't get jobs because unprecedented numbers of immigrants distorted and destroyed the jobs market.

Irish Community Video

The vast majority > 72% of Irish people want to see a reduction in the number of non-Irish immigrants living here.
Source - Irish Times /Behaviour Attitudes opinion poll.
The Irish people do not want the unprecedented number of foreign economic immigrants already scamming Ireland.

Most welfare fraudsters are foreign economic voluntary immigrants.
Over 20% on the Dole are foreign immigrants, every one a voluntary immigrant.
Over 30% collecting rent welfare are foreign immigrants, every one a voluntary immigrant.

These figures are indisputable facts from the government offices involved.

Take the foreign economic voluntary immigrants out of the equation and Ireland will be fine.
Our free hand outs are so good, they all come here to collect dole and welfare.
Their scam is to take any job they can get for a year or two, conditions or pay don't matter. And as the rules stand, the voluntary foreign economic immigrants are set for a life on social welfare in Ireland.
A Irish social welfare that rewarded more financially than the average full time job would do in the volunteer immigrant's own country.
This has got to stop, we can not afford to pay for this many non nationals, no nation could afford this. We do not want this many immigrants here anyway. The number of immigrants to native population in Ireland is far too high, it is unprecedented in the world. It is not fair and will lead to social unrest and the total breakdown of society.
Everyone Irish I know is now anti this number of immigrants. We believe they have taken us for a ride and laughing at us. The Irish politicians collectively do not appear to care.

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