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Statistics about Ireland and the Irish.
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Statistics about Ireland and the Irish. Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Mullingar
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Statistics about Ireland and the Irish.
Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:32 pm
Some interesting and deeply disturbing statistics coming out from the Central Statistics Office.
Ireland had the highest percentage increase in population between 1999 and 2009 in the EU 27. While seven EU countries (all recent member states) experienced population decline over the same period. No coincidence those statistics.
Main points from the Irish CSO
Deficit highest, divorce rate lowest - CSO
The Central Statistics Office's annual round-up of statistics has detailed the effects of the recession on Ireland's performance last year.
The CSO's report, called Measuring Ireland's Progress, says Ireland's public deficit of 14.3% of economic output was the highest of any EU member state last year, while government debt increased to nearly two-thirds of output, having been only a quarter two years before.
The CSO report says Ireland's employment rate fell below the EU average last year, and its unemployment rate was the sixth highest rate in the EU.
While prices fell in 2009 - the only other EU states with price falls were Portugal and Spain - Irish prices remain high by EU standards. The CSO's report also says the productivity of the Irish workforce remained above the EU average in 2009.
According to the CSO, Ireland had the lowest divorce rate and the highest fertility rate in the EU last year, and its population is increasing at a higher rate than in any other EU country.
In 2009, Ireland had the highest proportion of young people in the EU, and the lowest proportion of old people. The CSO report says the proportion of the Irish population aged 25-34 that has completed third-level education, at 45%, is the second highest in the EU.
But the pupil-teacher ratio at primary level is high by EU standards. At 17.9, the ratio is the fifth highest of 27 EU countries, though the early school-leaver rate of 11.3% is better than the EU average of 14.9%.
Claims that Ireland has seen unprecedented levels of foreign Immigration... are proven by the Central Statistics Office.
Irish people are not especially racist... and we are well aware that we now live in a mobile world. We are also not stupid and know that what we have experienced is unfair and unsustainable.
Immigration without controls... nations without controlled borders are asking for trouble.
As people have said here... Ireland can not afford to pay for the immigrants of the old USSR... or Impoverished regions of Africa. Speaking quite frankly.... why should we be expected to do so.
We had no empire...we have invaded no other nation.
These statistics sadden this old Irishman.