Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Matthew Elderfield UK citizen regulates Irish business.

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Matthew Elderfield UK citizen regulates Irish business.

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Irish Author Matthew Elderfield UK citizen regulates Irish business. Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Matthew Elderfield UK citizen regulates Irish business.

Someone appointed Matthew Elderfield, a UK citizen, as the Financial Regulator for Ireland. He was imported into Ireland primarily to impress foreign interests, reassure the speculators.
That is why he is telling us that we must not default on the foreign speculators. We must underwrite those who helped destroy our banks, we must not let them down the Billionaires. At the same time, he warns we should not grant debt forgiveness to decent Irish families caught in the speculators trades.

To date Matthew Elderfield, has done absolutely nothing tangible for the many ordinary Irish citizens who now find themselves in mortgage arrears on their family home, often in negative equity. He will do nothing, he is here to ensure that our tax money goes to the foreign speculators.
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Matthew Elderfield a foreign citizen, of a foreign nation that was obviously never any true friend, business or personal, of the Irish, is so far doing a fine job for the UK finances industry.
Matthew Elderfield has ruled out the winding-up of the corrupt Anglo Irish bank. So the Irish tax payers will have to underwrite the billions in corruption and fraud.
The Anglo Irish bank loaned billions to purchase over priced UK property! UK businessmen Sir Alan Sugar, said on RTE that he could not compete with the crazy Irish bids on UK property.

Matthew Elderfield put a stop on Quinn Insurance doing business in the UK. This action will make 800 Irish employees of Quinn redundant.
Who is Matthew Elderfield working for? Matthew Elderfield is a former employee of the UK Financial Services Authority.
source -
So far he has effectively destroyed one of Ireland's biggest Financial services employers. He is backing the NAMA plans for the corrupt banks. Billions of Irish tax payers money will be spent underwriting fraud. How many millions or billions will be handed out to foreign investors who gambled on our banks?
The UK Financial Services Authority, former employer of Matthew Elderfield, must be very pleased with his work in Ireland.
He will do nothing of any real consequence for the ordinary Irish people, except break us.
As he ensures foreign billionaires are paid out on immoral speculations, he will have no real care about the consequential social unrest and family breakdowns in Ireland. Matthew Elderfield will not care that Irish parents and children will be thrown on the scrap heap as a consequence. Will he be living here after his contract runs out?
He was imported into Ireland primarily to impress foreign interests, reassure the speculators, here for his and their mutual benefit.

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