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Irish joining British army after buying the lies.

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Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Belfast and Donegal.

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Irish joining British army after buying the lies.

The British army have exploited immature and weak Irish men, especially the poorer Roman Catholic Irishman for hundreds of years. Exploited Irish men were encouraged to join the British army to fight in British Colonial wars. Promises of pay and adventure disguised the real task of murder. Killing other poor natives and standing guard while the British Colonial class looted and stole. The Poor Irish bought into the lies and risked their lives for poor pay in other peoples lands - just so the rich British could get even richer. The Queen would become a billionaire with all the moneys stolen from Ireland, from Africa and India - a hundred plus more nations. The British crown are criminals - the army their protection and hired thugs.
Not just Ireland and the Irish. The British did the same in many other countries and are still doing it. The British illegally invaded Iraq for gain, they then destroyed the infrastructure, leaving the natives with little choice but to join the foreigners imposed army or police.
Do not be fooled by the British army adverts. The average member of the British army is less than intelligent.
As was posted here and a real shocking insight - over 50% of all British Army recruits have the literacy ability of primary school children, just 11 years of age. 10% are like 9 year olds.
Because of high unemployment, and Fine Gael/Labour are happy for young Irish to emigrate - some Irish are joining the british army, but in very few numbers.
The British press, BBC are currently using false context, to claim high numbers of Irish joining.
The British army are purposely using distortion from very low historical numbers, to now show a supposed massive increase.
Sure 20 is a 100% increase on 1o, and 150 is a 50% increase on 100.
Numbers are still low, most Irish are not so shameless or stupid.

Statistics, using % claims, can be used to say what ever you want. The British army are cynically using % claims in this instance to mislead. Why?
They can't get young English men with sense to join, because they are aware of the full story. They know the British army is not a exciting or heroic job. The English know it is stupid and senseless job, a high risk among semi literates, for low pay.
What balanced mature person wants to kill complete strangers for private business, or some parasite monarchy?

They do not want you to see what the British army is really like.
Whitehall wants you to forget the countless innocent Irish people murdered by the British army.

Do not Forget the British military, the UDR (now called Royal Oirish regiment) and undercover army who are wanted suspects for bombing Dublin & Monaghan.

It is no wonder that the British army is known for bullying and racism. More the dregs of society than the cream.
Hundreds of young army recruits are still suffering from physical beatings and intimidation at the hands of their instructors, despite a series of fatalities at training camps in recent years and amid allegations that soldiers were being bullied to death.
They want the naive and immature Irish to think they are joining Irish regiments, with proud histories. These are not proud Irish or brave Irish regiments. Research their actual history and you will discover the truth. How they took part in genocides against native populations. The regiments in the British army with a claimed Irish link, are today either full of Orange order, or immature and weak Irish willing to fight for British crown silver.
The Royal Oirish regiment show their Orange Order core, with flag showing their support for the Drumcree Orangemen.
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The British army have murdered so many innocent Irish people.
Irish who join the British army, have no pride.

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