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Donegal foreign immigrants and Bogus passport marriages scam
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Donegal foreign immigrants and Bogus passport marriages scam Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Donegal foreign immigrants and Bogus passport marriages scam
Mon Jan 25, 2010
Did you see that Pakistani who was carrying 2 false passports. Why was he allowed to walk free from court with only a small fine. Why is he even allowed to stay here. Same with the proven liar Pamela Izevbekhai, taking us for a bunch of mugs.
A now deported liar but almost Enabled in her lies and crime and definitely Promoted by son of foreign immigrant shatter
Remember when Alan Mad as a Shatter first publicly supported, the suposed asylum seeker but eventually deported bogus (alan shatter no doubt reluctantly) Pamela Izevbekhai
We can not afford any extra immigrants, and especially illegal liars.
We are all paying for these foreign immigrant fraudsters.
Most welfare fraudsters are foreign immigrants.
Over 20% on the Dole are foreign immigrants.
Over 30% collecting rent welfare are foreign immigrants.
These figures are indisputable facts from the government offices involved.
Take the immigrants out of the equation and Ireland will be fine.
Our free hand outs are so good, they all come here to collect dole and welfare.
This has got to stop, we can not afford to pay for non nationals and we do not want this many here anyway.
Everyone Irish I know is now anti these immigrants, they have taken us for a ride and laughing at us.
The vast majority 72 % of Irish people want to see a reduction in the number of non-Irish immigrants living here.
Irish Times /Behaviour Attitudes opinion poll.
Is it unreasonable for us to expect that Ireland be governed for the Irish first.
When will the Irish government protect their own native population?
What will make the Government act on our behalf?
Bogus marriages investigated
Over 100 cases of marriage or intended marriage between Asian men and Eastern European women in Ireland are being investigated by the Garda National Immigration Bureau.
Officers believe that many of the marriages are undertaken so that the men can secure residency in the State.
A 27-year-old man from Pakistan, who was arrested as part of the investigation, was convicted and sentenced in Blanchardstown District Court this morning after he was caught with two false passports.
He had been due to marry a teenage Latvian woman in Letterkenny this week but the court was told that that wedding will not go ahead because gardaí have objected.
Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern said he is concerned about the issue.
Mr Ahern told the weekend's EU Justice Minsters Conference that over 480 applications for residency by men from Pakistan were based on marriages to Latvian, Polish and Estonian women.
Ahern tells EU partners residency laws must be reviewed
In this section »
JAMIE SMYTH Social Affairs Correspondent
THE GOVERNMENT has told its European partners that EU residency laws need to be reviewed to combat the growing number of “sham marriages” between EU citizens and third country nationals.
Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern published new statistics yesterday showing 384 applications for residency made by Pakistani nationals in 2009 were based on marriages to Latvian nationals.
A further 50 residency applications were based on Pakistani’s marrying Polish nationals and 47 on Pakistani’s marrying Estonians.
“There is a growing evidence of abuse of EU immigration laws and Ireland’s experience is that the love affair between Pakistan and Baltic states shows no signs of abating,” Mr Ahern told his EU counterparts at a weekend meeting of EU justice ministers in Toledo, Spain.
He said in general the Pakistani spouses tend to be students or former students with no immigration permission. He said there was also a problem with failed Nigerian asylum seekers making residency applications based on “sham marriages” to EU citizens.
Some 69 out of the 238 applications for residency made by Nigerians in 2009 were based on marriage to a British citizen, 24 on marriage to a German citizen and 22 on marriage to a Polish citizen.
“We estimate that 30 per cent of all our applications for recognition under the EU directive on freedom of movement and residency involve persons who were illegally present in Ireland or on a temporary or limited permission when making their applications,” said Mr Ahern.
The Government has been lobbying its European partners for reform of the EU directive on free movement since it lost the Metock case at the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in 2008.
This test case was taken by four married couples living in Ireland who faced deportation. In each case the four EU citizens married asylum seekers, whose request for leave to remain in the Republic was subsequently rejected by the Minister for Justice. The Government argued unsuccessfully that it should be allowed to deport non-EU spouses who had not lived in another EU state prior to arriving in Ireland, to combat “marriages of convenience”.
The ECJ found in favour of the applicants seeking leave to remain.
Siobhán O’Donoghue, director of the Migrant Rights Centre, said there was a danger the Minister’s comments on “sham marriages” would throw an “air of suspicion” on legitimate marriages.
And what about the Darling of the middle class liberals
Pamela Izevbekhai
Why are we insulting Nigeria by allowing any of their citizens asylum.
The Nigerian Ambassador to Ireland this morning launched a scathing condemnation of her countrywoman, Pamela Izevbekhai, claiming she had disparaged and dishonoured her country.
Speaking exclusively to The Sligo Champion from Nigeria, where she is on a trip with a group of Irish business people, Ambassador Kemafo Chikwe insisted that Mrs. Izevbekhai and her two daughters faced no risk or danger on their return to Nigeria.
The Ambassador also claimed female genital mutilation was no longer practiced in her country, and that if it was practiced anywhere, it was "very insignificant, so much that nobody knows about it."
"And, it would be clearly voluntary," the Ambassador added.
Ambassador Chikwe said she hoped that the Irish government and its people would realise that Mrs. Izevbekhai was "not giving a true picture of Nigeria," and went on to refer to Nigerian laws, society, culture and the way the country functioned.
"She gave a very sad impression. She disparaged Nigeria," said the Ambassador, who described Izevbekhai as "very selfish."
"I hope she will not continue to fool the Irish public," the Ambassador said, adding that she had just travelled to Nigeria with a team of Irish business people and they saw the way the country operated.
"We have rule Ambassador said.
She also claimed the Ministry of Justice in Nigeria was "very upset" with what had happened and the fact that any Nigerian would claim they were not safe in the country.
"What she is claiming is blatantly untrue," the Ambassador went on.
Asked if Izevbekhai would be prosecuted if she were to return to Nigeria, the Ambassador said there was "no law saying that anybody who made allegations against Nigeria will be punished."
Ambassador Chikwe said Izevbekhai had "put the Irish government through a lot", "made it spend a lot of money" and had taken the matter to the international courts. Izevbekhai was just one individual who had subjected Nigeria to undeserved ridicule, the Ambassador claimed.
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