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Irish people paying for immigrants. Irish people go without.
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Irish people paying for immigrants. Irish people go without. Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Irish people paying for immigrants. Irish people go without.
Tue Oct 20, 2009
Excellent point made about the vaccine. Some of you may dismiss this video as racist.
How do you think a Irish person would be treated in Nigeria or Romania. Pakistan or India. Poland or Lithuania.
If you decided of your own free will to go and live in any other country.
Would you expect their government to make cutbacks on their own people in order to provide for immigrants.
Would you expect free hand outs.
Would you expect free shelter and all your welfare needs met.
Would you expect their state to provide you with special status, ensuring that each and every time that you decided to cry racist, your claim would be investigated.
Do you think you would have such a right in our own country, let alone another country.
Do you think you would have any such rights in their country.
Who are the real racists.
The immigrants who come to Ireland demanding rights, the immigrants who come here of their own free will, take the benefits.
Anyone who calls a Irish person racist just because they raise fair questions about immigration policy.
Struggling for a college place in your own country.
The woman who claims she was refused entrance because she was Muslim!
Did she actually have any evidence to back up her claim, as it is more extremely unlikely that any school would give that reason.
there is not enough room for the unprecedented numbers of foreign immigrants!
Does she come from a country where Irish people can just turn up expecting for their religion to be catered for?
The African guys who claim to be working for Ireland but not getting any benefits!
If they are able to drop their kids off twice a day, are they actually working?
Laugh at these claims sometimes another group of Africans were filmed and moaning and claiming the exact same line?
The fact is many Africans immigrants in Ireland are not working, cso shows that Nigerians for example were the highest % of benefits claimers in Ireland, far higher than the average!
Them and the British immigrants are much more likely to be claiming benefits of some form.
cso figures show this, so there should be investigation as to why!
Anyway, good news is if it so bad, they are free to go elsewhere, back to Nigeria or England or wherever.
There is no native Irish baby boom. This is a media lie to explain away what they do not want to talk about. Foreign Immigrants arriving in a nation, Ireland our nation, on a unprecedented ratio scale.
Thanks to the Irish governments open door policy on immigration, Ireland no longer has enough schools to cope with the expected 100,000 increase in pupils.
What we have in Ireland is unprecedented by any world standard. Immigration totally out of control.
The country is broke and yet we need 2,700 more classrooms.
The Irish education system is breaking down due to unprecedented demands for places.
Schools can not cope, because of the number of foreign immigrants demanding school places in Ireland.
Many unable to speak English, they will hold back Irish children in study. The unprecedented demand by immigrants, will effect the needs of our own native Irish children, especially those with special needs.
Most welfare fraudsters are foreign immigrants.
Over 20% on the Dole are foreign immigrants.
Over 30% collecting rent welfare are foreign immigrants.
These figures are indisputable facts from the government offices involved.
Take the immigrants out of the equation and Ireland will be fine.
Our free hand outs are so good, they all come here to collect dole and welfare.
This has got to stop, we can not afford to pay for non nationals, no nation could. We do not want this many immigrants here anyway. The number of immigrants to native population in Ireland is too high, in fact it is unprecedented in the world. It is not fair and will lead to social unrest and breakdown of society.
Everyone Irish I know is now anti this number of immigrants. We believe they have taken us for a ride and laughing at us.
The vast majority > 72% of Irish people want to see a reduction in the number of non-Irish immigrants living here.
Irish Times /Behaviour Attitudes opinion poll.
Is it unreasonable for us to expect that Ireland be governed for the native Irish population first.
When will the Irish government protect their own native population?
What will make the Government act on our behalf?
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