Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Too many Immigrants in Ireland. Immigration out of control.

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Too many Immigrants in Ireland. Immigration out of control.

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Irish Author Too many Immigrants in Ireland. Immigration out of control. Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Too many Immigrants in Ireland. Immigration out of control.

Dermot Ahern and other Irish Politicians argue we owe the immigrants.
Why do we owe any immigrant a single thing?
Immigrants came to Ireland of their own free will. Immigrants noticed that Ireland was, and is still, a country without a social economic plan designed primarily for its own native population. Immigrants came to take advantage of a free for all.
Immigrants have enriched the business owners pockets, but the fact is, they have taken from the pocket of the average Irish citizen and they are still taking.
Over 20% on the Dole are foreign immigrants.
Over 30% collecting rent welfare are foreign immigrants.
These figures are indisputable facts from the government offices involved.

How can we expect much sense from Ahern or any other politician? Are their children forced to compete with adults from Eastern Europe and Asia, for a minimum wage job in a supermarket.
He and most of the politicians remain oblivious to the damage they have done. They allowed too many immigrants in too short a time period. Too many immigrants have damaged local communities all over Ireland.
Immigrants are Ireland's main problem. We can not afford this.
Vote No to Lisbon and save Ireland. It could be our last chance.

When these immigrants were working, most of them were on minimum wages and not paying a single cent in any tax. Most of them sent more money home than they spent in Ireland. Billions are gone and still going out of our economy, lost forever. At the same time those of us who pay tax, have to pay for the children of immigrants to over crowd our schools and limit the available resources to our own children. We have to pay millions to teach some of these immigrants English. We have to pay more millions providing translators in legal proceedings. The Garda Siochana spent almost €3 million on interpreters last year, as the number of immigrants requiring translators continued to grow

Over 20% on the Dole are foreign immigrants.
Over 30% collecting rent welfare are foreign immigrants.
These figures are indisputable facts from the government offices involved.
Take the immigrants out of the equation and Ireland will be fine.
Our free hand outs are so good, they all come here to collect dole and welfare.
This has got to stop, we can not afford to pay for non nationals and we do not want this many here anyway.
Everyone Irish I know is now anti these immigrants, they have taken us for a ride and laughing at us.

Give the Irish people a vote on the immigration issue and see.

Influx of immigrants is 'without precedent'
By Thomas Molloy
The number of immigrants who settled in Ireland during the past decade is without precedent in the Western world, the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) said yesterday.

Eastern Europeans made up over 4pc of the population by 2007 after being a negligible percentage of the population just five years earlier.
In Britain, the immigrant population rose by 2pc in the 30 years after 1960, it added.
Just over 10,000 Eastern Europeans lived in Ireland in 2002 while the figure was 200,000 by 2007. The influx was swelled by the Government's decision to allow Eastern Europeans to move here earlier than most other EU countries after the EU expanded in 2004.
Britain and Sweden were the only other countries to open their borders to all new EU citizens and many countries still have restrictions in place today.

"There's been an absolutely enormous, enormous inflow" but some were now returning, said the ESRI's Alan Barrett.
Recent figures suggest around 24,000 left the country in the first few months of this year after losing their jobs and seeing certain unemployment benefits dry up, he added.
Dr Barrett said it was good for Ireland when the jobless immigrants returned home.
"I don't want to be politically incorrect but there are benefits during a downturn of people flowing outwards."

German economist Martin Kahanec, who gave a presentation at the ESRI, said Ireland's decision to open the borders early had ensured that the best educated immigrants came here, while countries that opened their borders later became home to poorly educated immigrants.

Eastern Europeans earn between 35pc and 40pc less than their Irish counterparts but have very high employment rates, with around 80pc of the total population working compared to 59pc of Irish nationals.

The flow of foreign workers had kept wages down here. They would be 7.8pc higher due to labour shortages if we had not accepted Eastern Europeans, Dr Barrett said.

- Thomas Molloy

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