| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: €1,100 to replace three bulbs. |
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€1,100 to replace three bulbs.
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€1,100 to replace three bulbs. Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |

Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Wicklow
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
€1,100 to replace three bulbs.
We have had the FAS expenses and contract scandals ..... the tax payer is sick to the stomach with the immoral and unfair Bank guarantees ...especially that given to the insidiously corrupt Anglo Irish Bank.
Is there no depth to the financial corruption in Ireland .....more news of where our money goes.
OPW accused of squandering money
watch Tuesday, 28 April 2009 21:54
The president of the Garda Representative Association has accused the Office of Public Works of continuing to squander public money with no concept of value.
Michael O'Boyce told delegates at their annual conference that the OPW spent €15,000 refurbishing a gym in Letterkenny for which they had been quoted €5,000.
He also claimed that the Office spent €16,500 to put a shower in Ballinhassig Garda Station, €4,050 for 10 square yards of floor covering for Churchill Garda Station and €1,100 to replace three bulbs in another station.
The OPW has totally rejected the claims saying the figures quoted do not include the ancillary plumbing and other works.
A spokesman pointed out that in Ballinahassig for example, it is not just an electric shower that has to put in, the entire shower room has to be built, and OPW is still awaiting approval from the Garda authorities.
He also said he could not respond to the light bulbs claim because the station in question was not specified.
The Minister for Justice was due to address the conference this afternoon but cannot now because he is unable to leave the Dáil because of a vote.
€1,100 to replace three bulbs.
Possibly this headline making shocker of a service itemized .....will prove to be somewhat of a exaggeration ...if so ....the underlying corruption ....and waste of public monies ...will remain due.
What will stop this self-destruction of Irish society ....a mass strike by all the public services ....a refusal by a critical mass of ordinary householders to pay back mortgage and loan debts to the corrupt banks.
Scenarios unimaginable in Ireland only last year ...are now highly likely resulting consequences of this unfolding financial meltdown and corruption.