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Drug Olympics
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Sceala Philosopher
Location: Glasgow
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Drug Olympics
Irish horse gets banned
Four horses have been banned from competing in Thursday's Olympic jumping competition for doping, the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) announced on Thursday. Denis Lynch's mount Latinus is one of those banned.
The horses - representing Brazil, Germany, Ireland and Norway - had been suspended after testing positive for a prohibited substance, the FEI, which controls the sport, said in a statement.
Lynch was considered to be a real contender for a medal, he and his mount Latinus having qualified with just six faults from their qualifying rounds.
What about the british that are obviously doped up.
cyclists all of a sudden the fastest!!!!! Yeah real talent
That 400 metre woman for example, she missed out three drug tests and was still allowed to go to the Olympics and pick up Gold.
Dwain Chambers, Linford Christie are examples of their once proud heroes who get found out after the event.
Olympic games have become a bad joke, they should be renamed to - who has the best corrupt Doctors games.
You would not mind if as usual it is the brits pointing fingers at the others!
As if the corrupt as shit brits can point fingers at anyone for anything.
The impression left is - Only the Russians do it - according to their perverse subtle spin state craft sick media!
Denis Campbell, sport news correspondent.
British athletics was plunged into fresh controversy over drugs last night when Mark Richardson, one of the country's best medal hopes, was forced to pull out of the Olympic Games less than a week before they open.
Richardson, a hotly-tipped prospect for the 400 metres, is surrounded by continuing claim and counter-claim over his positive test result for the banned steroid nandrolone.
He asked the International Amateur Athletics Federation, the world ruling body, for more time to prepare for his disciplinary hearing, which was due next Saturday, the first day of competition in Sydney. Richardson, 28, knew that by making the request he would not be able to run.
Despite being cleared by UK Athletics, the domestic ruling body, of knowingly taking a banned substance, Richardson still needed to convince the IAAF's Court of Arbitration of his innocence before he could race in the Olympics. He originally failed a drug test last October.
His case is only the latest drug controversy to affect the 318-strong British team preparing to chase Olympic glory. Last week the IAAF's lawyer warned that British athletes could be banned from international competitions unless UK Athletics toughened its stance on drug-taking by competitors, which is widely regarded as weak.
On Friday the World Anti-Doping Agency revealed that British cyclist Neil Campbell too had failed a drug test. He had already been withdrawn from the Sydney squad by the British Cycling Federation.
Tensions over drugs in sport surfaced when sprinting legend Linford Christie - currently serving a two-year ban for nandrolone - reacted angrily to a demand by Australian officials for test samples from two of the three athletes he is coaching there. Christie has been banned from teaching at the official British training camp.
Richardson said deciding to withdraw was 'very difficult. I was really looking forward to the Olympics. But the important thing in in my life now is not "the taking part" but proving my innocence.'
The latest blow to the sport's image comes as The Observer reveals today that thousands of Olympics competitors regularly take an undetectable drug, human growth hormone (HGH), and spend huge sums on it.
An investigation found that the muscle-building substance is freely available in Britain through gyms, on the internet and from drug deal ers. A legal loophole means that even large quantities for personal use' can be brought into this country without risk of prosecution.
Professor Peter Sonksen, a world-renowned expert on HGH and an ex-member of the International Olympic Committee's medical commission, said: 'Most of the athletes think abuse is far more widespread than any one imagines. Although nobody knows for sure how extensive it is, speaking to athletes makes me worried that it's rampant.'
'The trouble is that it's undetectable, so people can take as much of it as they like. An athlete taking it would spend '10,000 - 20,000' a year on it at least.'
Dr Neil Townshend, former medical chief of the British Olympic Association, said HGH was now 'the affluent athlete's drug of choice, especially in sprinting, rowing and swimming.'
Users of HGH run serious medical risks. Legendary Olympic champion sprinter Florence Griffith Joyner's death in 1998 at 38 is widely thought to have linked to consumption of HGH, which can affect the heart.