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Location: Ireland. USA. Scotland.

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Credibilty

One of that crew is all of a special panic, trying to deflect the image of his hands gripped around Irish tax payers money. His immediate over reaction and responses were so totally predictable. We knew our news about his site chancing for thousands of Irish tax payers money would draw the mouse out from under his floorboards. The only genuine relevance to Kentucky [based in Ireland IP user has made multiple attempts to register here before, the latest only a few days ago] is, how instantly the small fat white lump is recognized as bland chicken. A plain little chicken that despite being dressed up in a few fancy spiced garbs, is in desperate need of a tasty and good old fashioned Irish battering.
Eternal shame on anyone who would ally themselves with someone who in the past has verbally attacked their own family members. Anyone who would is not worthy of being called a man, certainly not Irish man.

This so called Irish site will have no moral dilemma in using anyone. Name dropping of a Irish Government Minister may temporarily portray some air of credibility, of Irish ness, of worth. Like all advertising it is a 'created' image for today. Tomorrow to create another image, they may pretend to care about Tara and Mayo. How then will they use the same Government link, in a proud noble way? The word 'use' has a definition after all.
We as adults all wish we could have an automatic admiration, at least a basic respect for today's Irish politicians. But how can we, especially this Government after it allowed these events Tara and Mayo. We will feel no necessity today or tomorrow in adding false pride by the dropping of any of politicians name.
We will instead name drop Christy Moore who aptly describes those scroungers who take Irish tax payers money those "made demented by the grant culture" in Ireland. "More, more, more for me and feck the sick and needy"

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And Seamus Heaney who in reflection argued recently that the ancient Hill of Tara was safer under British rule than the present Irish government, describing the construction of a motorway near the site as a betrayal of Ireland's dead generations.

Any Minister is your Minister, using not their money, they are using you the Irish tax payers money, they have the job because of your right as a Irish citizen, it is your right and moral duty to know what use such special funds [your money] are going towards, being used for.
To be clear to our members, we have never and would not even dream of applying for a cent of Irish workers tax money, money designed to aid those in need. For certain no Irish vote could ever be won to subsidize a business.

Do not let personal attacks [typical of that so called Irish site] distract, even if they start abusing your extended family, which they encourage their mentally disturbed members to do.
They have no morals, complain and they will ban you, edit your profile and old posts and then drag them up for ridicule and entertainment for their bored. This is all organized by their most bored crew, those who spend even St Patrick's day hunched over a pc, not discussing Irish culture or Ireland, or talking about home or missing home, just idle monotonous self centred boring drivels of their dull sky lives.

Complaining direct to them is a complete waste of time, they enjoy trauma, they 'use' it. In the past you could have given of your personal time to their business, they do not care a jot. They 'use' people as numbers, and quite remarkably they even think you should be grateful, that is how arrogant a using business they are.
Even if your own family is abused there, your parents mocked by the mentally sick, no matter the distress caused, perversely, the moral free female blow in who runs it, will dismiss any hurt and expect you to be grateful.
This is about jealousy, we have been told that over 4 years on, she is still fuming that several of our members left there for here. Some of our members once foolishly gave of their time and energies to that site. It was our members who gave that so called Irish site, a life for the first and only period in it's existence.
She should learn to accept that they saw it for what it was, 'a user of Irish people' and just move on in her life, and stop encouraging this trauma. And stop expecting the Irish tax payers to fund it.

The catalogue of abuses made from that site, [operating as the base for abuse and ridicule] in just this past year alone, is enough to try the patience of a saint. The distress they have caused, the amount of people's time they have wasted is a mortal sin.
Several of our members [who unlike that crowd are not salaried or funded by the Irish tax payers in grants] , people who give freely of their time for the Irish community, have been subject to constant attack. The subtle and not so subtle attempts to make a mockery of here and other sites are known by any independent witness. As well as being recorded by our one on the inside, someone they all think is part of their sad crowd.
We are not going to back down, they will be leaving our members alone, and that includes all of them, especially those who have made it crystal clear by their absence, that they do not want to be at that boring site anymore.
They will need to stop encouraging their [self confessed] bored drug and drink addicts using their board to abuse our members.

We do not want people here to resort to their tactics, just ignore their idiocy, all talk of their so called free speech. Such freedoms exist until they ban anyone who tries to complain against their version of what constitutes free speech.

Ignore them, and make your concerns and complaints known to the Minister. That will at least get an answer, instead of you all wasting your efforts with the chancers who do not care a damn even if your own Mother of Father are held up for sick abuse on their so called Irish site.
We now know the only thing that makes them react, and that is the thought of no more easy Irish tax payers.
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