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Irish students brightest in Europe
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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Irish students brightest in Europe
Despite the growing negative distractions for young children in modern Ireland, it seems Irish teenagers still fare well in literacy.
A new international study shows that Irish 15-year-olds are among the top performers when it comes to reading and writing.
The OECD study also found that Irish students perform significantly above average in science and are in line with their international counterparts in mathematics.
The study is one of the largest of its kind ever carried out and involved some 400,000 students across 57 countries, including 4,500 schoolgoers in Ireland.
Achievement was measured in three main areas - Science, Maths and Reading. In science, Ireland scored significantly above the OECD average.
The performance of Irish students in Maths was not significantly different from the average of other OECD countries.
In terms of their reading and writing abilities, Irish 15-year-olds ranked among the top performers. Only one EU country, Finland, achieved a higher score than Ireland in reading.
The Minister for Education, Mary Hanafin said she was very encouraged by the results.
Also today research shows that Irish science students are above world average when it comes to science students.
Irish students are out-performing their counterparts in countries such as Sweden, France and the US. They are above the world average but still have a long way to go to catch up with those in Finland, Hong Kong, and Canada who are in poll position.
The latest OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) assessed the literacy performance of 400,000 students in 57 countries in science, maths and reading.
In terms of overall scores, Finland notched up 563 out of a maximum of 600 while Ireland came in at 508, slightly up on the 505.4 in the previous study three years ago.
The latest survey puts the Irish ranking somewhere between 10-16 in terms of OECD countries and between 15-22 in terms of all 57 countries surveyed.