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Irish children happier healthier safer and shallow claims

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Irish children happier healthier safer and shallow claims

The junior minister in charge of health promotion has welcomed figures showing that fewer young people are drinking and smoking than before.
The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) research quizzed pupils aged nine to 18 years in 40 countries worldwide.
More than 330 schools participated in the research, with approximately 14,000 pupils completing questionnaires.
Some of the findings of this limited Irish study reveal
33% of Irish teens as young as 15 years admitted to being “really drunk” during the past month.
50% of the same group already drink alcohol regularly.
The figures on alcohol consumption among Irish teenagers have not improved from the previous survey carried out in 2002.

But Only 15% of Irish pupils currently smoke, a 4% drop since 2002.
There was a strong increase in reported seatbelt usage in 2006 (76% of boys and 83% of girls) compared to 2002 (57% of boys and 65% of girls).
On drug use, 12% of pupils reported using cannabis in the last year and some of these respondents were as young as 10 years of age.

The survey was conducted last year by researchers at the Health Promotion Research Centre (HPSC) at NUI Galway and is part of an overall World Health Organisation project. The HPSC survey took place in 40 participating countries and regions. This is the third time that Ireland has taken part.
Launching the findings, Health Promotion Minister Pat the Cope Gallagher welcomed the continuing drop in smoking among young people as well as the increase in seat-belt use.
But he said he was worried about findings that half of children aged 15-17 years old report they have consumed alcohol in the preceding month. “This continues to be a cause for concern. I intend to examine what measures are required to try to address this continuing problem in our society.”

The Office of Tobacco Control chief executive Eamonn Rossi said: “Our own research has confirmed that initiation into smoking is largely a childhood phenomenon. More than three quarters of all smokers in Ireland started to smoke before they reached the age of 18. It is critical that we do everything possible to stop children and young people from starting smoking in the first place and to ensure this number is not reached. Addressing initiation into smoking among children is clearly a high priority for us all”.

Overall, the vast majority of Irish children surveyed in the project said they were happy with their lives and were in good health.
Still 14% of Irish children said that they never have breakfast during weekdays and 12% admitted they are trying to lose weight.
In personal hygiene, 63% of children said they brush their teeth more than once a day – 72% of girls and 54% of boys.
Compared with a similar study in 2002, the percentage of children eating sweets and soft drinks has fallen and vegetable consumption is up.
In other survey topics, bullying was surveyed.
29% of boys reported that they have taken part in bullying others compared to 14% of girls.

This news comes as Catholic primate Archbishop of Ireland Sean Brady calls Ireland the land of stocks and shares

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