| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Ireland 14th in world prosperity index |
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Ireland 14th in world prosperity index
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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Ireland 14th in world prosperity index
In the latest Global Prosperity Index, Ireland has been named 14th in a list of the most prosperous countries in the world.
The Global Prosperity Index when making its list takes into account several indicators of overall life satisfaction, including freedom of choice, a country’s health and climate, alongside individual material wealth.
North America and Europe dominate the Global Prosperity Index, based on both material wealth and life satisfaction of individuals, sees , with New Zealand the only southern hemisphere country to make it into the top 10.
Norway, Sweden and the United States top the list, which was released today.
The Global Prosperity Index is compiled by independent think-tank The Legatum Institute for Global Development. This test of life satisfaction claims to go beyond the traditional financial measures to calculate a country’s relative prosperity.
Norway achieved high scores for its positive social conditions as well as economic growth. Sweden performs marginally less well economically, but makes up for this by having very high levels of political and civil liberties, leisure time and equality of opportunity.
“The Legatum Prosperity Index provides an entirely new way of looking at prosperity and the underlying drivers on a country-by-country basis. Perhaps one of the biggest revelations is in the central role played by individual freedom of choice, which shows that progress can not be mandated by bureaucracies, but must be chosen by individuals. In the end, individual citizens, supported by policymakers, must choose to take ownership of the solutions that will drive the long-term prosperity of their nations.” said Alan McCormick, managing director of the Legatum Institute.
Legatum Prosperity Index Top 20
Country Overall Rank Material Wealth Rank Life Satisfaction Rank
Tied in first place:
United States
followed by
tied 5th
New Zealand and Canada
followed by
Tied for eighth:
Germany and Finland
followed by
Tied for 12th:
Singapore and Netherlands
followed by
Tied for 17th:
Israel and the UK
followed by
Belgium and Spain