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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Christian Ireland no more

A poll commissioned by the Iona Institute and published today highlights that Ireland's Christian culture is a thing of the past.

The Iona institute comprises a new Roman Catholic-led pro-marriage organisation, and the Evangelical Alliance of Ireland, a cross-denominational movement that seeks to relate the Christian gospel to modern life. The survey carried out by the group found that one third of Irish aged 15- to 24 year-olds cannot say where Jesus was born or what the Christian Church celebrates at Easter. A representative sample of 946 people in the Republic of Ireland were questioned. The 15- to 24-year-olds were also more than twice as ignorant as the Irish pensioners when it came to naming the Holy Trinity, with over half of the younger Irish failing to answer correctly. However the younger Irish group outscored the older Irish by 48% to 44% when it came to naming the first book of the bible. Sean Mullan of the Evangelical Alliance said the findings- show that the notion of Ireland having a Christian culture is of the past.

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