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Al Pacino In Ireland Honoured by Trinity College

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Al Pacino In Ireland Honoured by Trinity College

Al Pacino is in Dublin for TCD honour

American actor Al Pacino has arrived in Dublin to collect the Honorary Patronage of the Trinity College University Philosophical Society.

The Oscar-winning actor received the honour from the Philosophical Society, which is Trinity's oldest student society, at 8pm this evening.

Other's who have been given Honorary Patronage by the Philosophical Society include Archbishop Desmond Tutu and US Senator John McCain.

Pacino is in Ireland to film part of his new documentary 'Salomaybe', based on the actor's quest to find out more about Oscar Wilde and his influences for writing the 1890s play 'Salomé'.

He will be speaking to some of Trinity's scholars about Wilde's time as an undergraduate in the college.

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