Irish Forums Message Discussion :: best film ever

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best film ever

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Location: Ireland

Irish Films Discussion:     best film ever

may have had this before but voodoo reminded me talking of films

Play fair now as the idea is to see what is your favourite film ever, that way we can check it out if not seen.

This must be the one, that ye would pick if ye can only ever own one.

what film

The Mission


The plot, humanity over doctrine. The smiles and wonder of human beings was so well shown as was the other side of the most weirdest creature that roams earth. one ye would run to, the other away from.
Superb actors, De Niro will never act better and the late Donegal (or was he Derry?)Ray McAnally was great as was the other with Irish connections Jeremy Irons. and the music was just magnificent.

Plus it had for me that most Irish of highest achievements personified honoured. An achievement in reality few of us can ever live up to; but to at least know it exists is a virtue amongst humans.

the defying of what is convention an any law for what is right in the heart for unselfish reasons.

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