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Wexford Raiders (Hockey)

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Irish Author Wexford Raiders (Hockey) Irish Sports News Irish Message
augres jack

Location: AuGres, Michigan

Irish Sports News Discussion:     Wexford Raiders (Hockey)

I have not heard of any hockey fans here. So, I report that Keegan Rue, my niece's son, age 18, of Zeeland, MI (near Holland, my home town) is doing well. The kid graduated from high school in June 2004. Rather than college, he has cast his lot at the ice game. He left in August to live with a family in Scarborough, Ontario, and is a member of the Wexford Raiders, a team there, and this is Junior A hockey, which is good. They play about 60 games a season. He is one of only 2 players from the U.S. on this team, which is very telling to me. He will have to fight for his life because of this fact, the Canadian players will make it thus. The team and his league is made of players from 17 to 20 in age. Keegan is 6'3" and 205 pounds and will take no shite from anybody. He is a defenseman. I see that they have won 29 and lost only 4 times so far this season. This league of a couple dozen teams grooms its players to either play for a college team or to go directly to the professional ranks. His father (a Minnesota native) was a hockey player and is hoping for the best and believes this is his best and only shot to make it in the game. He is going to grow up, to say the least, being a long way from home, in a foreign country, playing their best sport. His grandmother, my sister, is on the net following him religiously. This past weekend she emailed me saying he is a little homesick and lately has been "dropping the gloves" which means he has been getting into fights on the ice during games. There is no game more cut-throat than ice hockey, especially in Canada. It is brutal. The Wexford Raiders have groomed more than a dozen who have made it to the NHL in the past. It is the goal of every kid in Canada who ever put on skates, with many broken hearts. Scarborough is right next to Toronto. I looked up the Junior A league sites and it is amazing how many teams and indoor rinks they have up there, their national game. My only worry is the drinking age in Canada is 18. Keegan will fit in, perhaps too well. All fingers are crossed in the family.

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