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Soccer looking for the GAA to support them
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Soccer looking for the GAA to support them Irish Sports News Irish Message |
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Irish Sports News Discussion:
Soccer looking for the GAA to support them
I keep reading these questions about a new national stadium
And folks suggesting that the GAA holy ground of Croke Park should be opened up to soccer.
Here is some first hand reality!
Soccer is not a priority enough around the whole of Ireland, there is an entrenched GAA mentality
That is imo excellent, as it encourages Irish culture, and helps the Irish identity hang on to its last few roots(no other sport does that)
However imo, kids should be encouraged to get involved with any sport.
There is too many fat little mindless gets doing nowt but play on playstations.
Soccer deserves more goverment support, but it should not have to look to the GAA.
Besides the FAI has or rather had! the money anyway! The GAA invest the money wisely, and have support that is unequalled in the local communities.
The FAI waste money(plenty of fat cats on boards especially older boards) and do not have the family structures in place, nor the intrinsic support across the country from the parents of the kids
I know as I have trained kids in Dublin, Cork, West Cork in soccer and they want you to do it all for them.
Yet when I take kids for a local GAA club for fitness, their parents cannot be more supportive.
If Rugby can get the act together then soccer which has more money can!
Irish rugby is thriving and like the GAA like a religion for those involved.
Soccer is only a priority when a world cup is on, or for those watching English and Scottish leagues. (even Bertie will be seen at Man Utd and Celtic Park)
Irish soccer is short handed by the MUGS who supposedly run it!
It could be and should be on at least a par with rugby!
Pat Dolan the manager of Cork city will tell you all about the reality!
He is a great reality checker of the lack of support and infrastructure here and unlike those mouthpieces who have never kicked a ball, I have seen him give his time and mind to the aims.