Irish Forums Message Discussion :: ONE DAY

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Sceala Clann Counsellor
Location: Tir Na Nog

Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     ONE DAY

One Day

One day I'll be skinnier
More saavy than Park Avenue
I'll be able to knock their socks off
Every time I walk in a room

One day I'll be able to buy up the world
Or at least anything I desire
I shall be oh so chic
No odd goose
Not a geek
I shall sing like a bird on the wire

Oh do not mistake
These grande claims I do make
You can bet I'll be true to my word
I shall be a great dame
Not some duck on the lame
I shall eat as well have ALL my cake

One day I shall live like a princess
But will issue commands like a queen
Take away this...go do that
Go hither and Scat!
Such authority never before seen!

One day, some fine day
Sure 'tal shall come true
If I wish it and dream it to be
Until then, s'pose I'll be contented
To settle for just being me...

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