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Irish Books Discussion:     The Irish And Books

If they did a survey, they would have to cover up the findings.

Because without a doubt in my mind (and that is the only place I look for them) percentage to population wise the Irish are fanatics on the written and ridden word.

ridden a bit like written but ye have already read it so hence I have ridden it.

To prove my theory, to get the acclaim we deserve as a race; I need to send on the written unverifiable findings to the UN for verification.

That lot of politians! They won't have diagrams, cartoons or mere claims of spices galore to be found in the new wolrd any more; not since a fella called Colin described a new type of hoover, showed a few pics and they all invested in it; it transpired Colin totally made it up, it did not suck up the amount of shite (I think that is the spelling) he said it would and not half as quick, so thanks to Colin I now need some unverifiable proof for my nobel prize.

so without purposely shutting your eyes to avoid the ones ye don't want folks to know ye read.

What is the very first book ye see near ye in your house.
if ye cant see one then get up and casually walk around until ye do see one.

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