Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Rock Walls

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Rock Walls

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Sceala Clann Counsellor
Location: Tir Na Nog

Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     Rock Walls


Oh these great walls and fences of stone
We Irish build with ancient skills honed
Fortresses built at our will
Against all we fear may kill
The things inside which we hold dear
And all the banshees that we fear...

I fear ye built a wall 'gainst me
Should have knocked it down at once ye see
But it was so small I thought it just
A wee obstacle between us thrust
Oh, God, had I known those first few rocks
Would come to this...I'd have cursed them like pox

And now we who could talk for hours
Have let things die like wilted flowers
The silence between us like cold stone
It's great wall built on flesh and bone
And broken spirtis and shattered hearts
This dark stone I curse
For it keeps us apart

Do not believe for a second, Love
That I do not care
For the skies above
Are my witness
To all that be
No others can
Come close to thee
Ye are my sky, my earth, my sea

For no stone walll
No rock made fence
No feigned detachment, no pretense
Would make a single difference

I will love ye till the day I die
And over my bower of rocks ye'll cry

So if ye can, tear down yer wall
Close yer eyes, I shall hear ye call
And I shall tear down mine so fast
Ye'll hear the sound of the rocks I cast
But not at ye, my love so dear
For though I still shed many a tear
I never have stopped lovin' ye
Though the skies may fall into the sea

And though the sea may wash away
I shall love ye till yer dyin' day
Do not take lightly love's despair
For it shall follow ye everywhere
And ye shall never find another
Who is yer greatest friiend and lover

I will love ye till the day ye die
And over yer bower of rocks I'll cry

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