Sickening to see so many videos of foreigners from britain being given grants to renovate old vacant homes in Ireland.
By definition the only people who can effectively get these grants are those who already have a home to sell and fund a PROJECT!
Or wealthy, either way scheme does f all for so many homeless no chance of ever owning a modest home NATIVE IRISH who paid the tax for the scheme in first place.
These "BS homesteading" middle class hippys (funded by Irish tax payers and often as not eventually welfare) cheer in delight at what they must think is money from thin air!
Offgrid! but in line on line on grid for tax free hand outs!
hurrah for 50,000 free money at 17 mins 40 seconds in! from a scheme funded by Irish tax payers and designed to reduce a homeless crisis in Ireland.
Homeless crisis for many native Irish - free rent grants handouts for immigrants
Nothing personal as no doubt they have little or no knowledge or care about the plight of record numbers of homeless native Irish people!
as Meanwhile
Come by all means !
but foreign home owners to be subsidized by Irish tax payers for their so called dream homes ! at same time as so many Irish people paying tax but without the luxury of choice to sell a home! most young actual Irish people have no such option or resources,
This Irish generation will typically never be able to own even a basic family home or ever be able to know a comfortable feeling of security renting a home long term for their dream of being a couple let alone dream of starting a family.
Not even hard working comparatively successful couples in 2024.
So yes funding even a single cent of non nationals daydreams! is a perverse sickening abuse of a scheme! and many Irish will be especially sickened such unnecessary perverse cynical grants are provided to british from a foreign land that abused so many Irish down the centuries just adds to the cynical abuse of Irish tax payers, from britain that never gave any instant free grants or handouts to any Irish immigrant, but certainly provided plenty of historical anti Irish racism and extremes of abuse in place of! only makes the abused scam by non nationals even more cynical.
These people are being allowed to actively abuse Irish tax payers money. from a scheme that was designed for and promoted by so called politicians as a part of plan to supposedly help solve the housing crisis needs of Irish citizens!
FREE MONEY hur ray
50000 euros for people who already had a home in uk .
Lot of Irish people are going to be sick about yet another new scam abused by NON NATIONALS
Homeless crisis Hospitals crisis Ireland but politicians encourage immigrants & CHANCERS
Hurrah will soon be another 50,000 Homeless
For typically ignorant brits looking in,you will need to multiply any Ireland statistic by at least 10 to get some context of effect on per head of population.
This for example!
Ireland has taken in too many people as is! cant house their own.
NO MORE let the war monger uk take them!
After all they in particular shout so loud (encourage and arm insurrection so often) about the rights of Syrians & Libyans & Ukranians & Afghans & minority Chinese etc etc etc etc etc, at same time as selling leasing them actual WOMD