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DUP Orangeman who called a priest a paedophile - WAS A PEDO

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Irish Author DUP Orangeman who called a priest a paedophile - WAS A PEDO Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Brian Whelan

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Kildare

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     DUP Orangeman who called a priest a paedophile - WAS A PEDO

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Yet another member of the hypocritical perverse extremists of the orange disorder revealed - that 18th century pathetic extremist order, a puppet order twisted form of extreme british nationalist , that USE religion and so called culture (laughable) and supposed british identity as a front for their debased simplistic hate, inherited from inbred selective extremes of ignorance.
so called "british" nationalists but reality typically poor working class Irish turned and used by debased sectarian extremists controlled by and sued for purpose by westminsters germanic hanoverian crown since foundation in late 18th century.

A former member of Ian Paisley’s DUP and later an elected Councillor with TUV - a perverse extremist twisted idea of british nationalist Jim Allister’s TUV party, 62 year-old Tweed’
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Orange order DUP TUV member Davy Tweed who shouted at priests calling and labeling them a paedophile, was all the while Twisted thug tweed himself was an actual life long evil sick PEDO.

The hard-line unionist politician , former member of Ian Paisley’s DUP and later an elected Councillor with Jim Allister’s TUV party, 62 year-old Tweed’s public life after his rugby career ended, was seldom far from controversy.
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As a politician, Tweed came to prominence during the Drumcree crisis. And he was a regularly appeared at loyalist protests outside a Catholic Church in Harryville, Ballymena.

When a Catholic priest walked through a baying loyalist crowd to say Mass at the Church, Tweed was heard to shout; “Here comes a paedophile!”

In 2009, Tweed appeared in court on child sex abuse charges, for which he was acquitted.

But three years later, in 2012, railway inspector Tweed, was convicted on 13 counts of gross indecency, indecent assault of two young girls and inciting gross indecency, spanning an eight year period.

At the time of his death in October 2021, Tweed received fulsome praise from his former political allies Ian Paisley MP and TUV leader Jim Allister.

But following a series of articles in the Sunday World, where Amanda Brown and Tweed’s four daughters revealed the sexual abuse Tweed subjected them to as children, politicians Paisley and Allister were compelled to apologise to the women.

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Orange Order using convicted rapist to teach members how to be ‘active citizens’
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Orange Order using convicted rapist to teach members how to be ‘active citizens’

Wilkinson had been employed as political director with a so called """victims group"" in south Armagh run by deceased campaigner and self-confessed loyalist paramilitary gunrunner & all round extremist Willie Frazer.

Wilkinson’s arrest and conviction led to a withdrawal of funding for Frazer’s group.

Five years later though – while he was still serving his jail sentence – Wilkinson was back in court again. He was accused of raping another woman when he appeared before the Crown Court in Antrim in 2012, but the case failed to proceed.

A prosecution lawyer told the judge he wouldn’t be offering evidence against the former DUP politician.

No reason was given for the Director of Public Prosecutions’ decision.

After quitting the DUP over its decision to share power with Sinn Féin, Queen’s University graduate Wilkinson entered into a short-term alliance with the now deceased paedophile and one-time unionist politician David Tweed.

British secret services Orange Order Kincora Child abusers

orange order evil sick British Terrorist UDA convicted child murderer and rapist

orange order district master stays in jail

legion of British army Sex offenders

Anglican Church religion Vicars child sex abuse revealed

Orange Order Exposed as extremist anti Irish racist bigots & Orange Order SYSTEMIC CHILD ABUSE

Maybe we should just pretend that these spokespeople really are different, really somehow distinct, like the so called scots irish!
Very few, the tiniest minority of the many hundreds so called Prods filmed on that recent so called 'Protestant loyalist' documentary, have actually ever attended any worship of any form anywhere of their own decision and free will.

Seriously though apart from these Irish being reared in selective ignorant plastic British protestant myths, they are Irish.

Encouraged, brainwashed by extremist plastic british nationalism and anti Irish racist bigots of the Orange Order, such as pitiful wee George.
The Orange order encourages the indoctrination of minors, little children.
Child abuse in any other name.
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Irish Community ImagesIrish Community Images
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Imagine if this were a openly sectarian and exteme Irish nationalist group that did this to children.
Paraded indoctrinated children as young as these to be nationalist banner waivers, drum beaters, idolatry to swear allegiance to a so called royal being, a flag and a so called religion, a so called special religion that made them superior!
Only they who were of it, could be proper of this so called race because of this so called religion!

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