Irish Forums Message Discussion :: nick henderson english immigrant on €60,000 plus NGO says limitless immigrants to Ireland

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nick henderson english immigrant on €60,000 plus NGO says limitless immigrants to Ireland

       nick henderson english immigrant on €60,000 plus  NGO says limitless immigrants to Ireland nick henderson english immigrant on €60,000 plus  NGO says limitless immigrants to Ireland Information
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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- nick henderson english immigrant on €60,000 plus NGO says limitless immigrants to Ireland
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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     nick henderson english immigrant on €60,000 plus NGO says l

Jan 19, 2023
English immigrant to Ireland nick henderson , makes a living from immigrants and asylum seekers
including the many fakeugees *we have to house & feed them all according to him, limitless numbers.

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Asylum seekers Ireland the cash cow business. 12 years on

sick of seeing this nick henderson

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who is constantly on rte news preaching (without any credible question or explanation asked of by the so called journalists) to the Irish public to accept unlimited numbers of so called refugees - to do more & more to do better, accept more, give them instant housing welfare & instant hand out money.

Are most coming even genuine Refugees? BS!

Why would a genuine refugee throw away lose on purpose all forms of ID during the flight!.
Bearing in mind you can not get on a plane without ID!

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worse no doubt some are serious criminals attempting to hide their real identities.

Some nerve of this immigrant nick henderson a salaried english gobshyte preaching to the Irish , he is actively encouraging more and more to chance , to ensure more depression & homelessness for more in Ireland, record numbers homeless, the majority of this generation who have zero prospect of owning their own home , many cant even find somewhere affordable rent.


Yet this english blow in immigrant nick henderson effectively stick his fingers up at us all!

Same day he is on news preaching same more more more , limitless.

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nick henderson effectively stick his fingers up at us all!

That's all this well paid joker is doing!

A english immigrant himself nick henderson is CEO of the so called 'Irish refugee council '

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'Irish refugee council' CEO
which is actually - a Non-governmental organization (NGO) gets paid to talk about refugees, encourage refugees to come to Ireland.

nick henderson CEO of a NGO makes is living from refugees coming to Ireland. most recent accounts of this NGO boss , show nick henderson was paid at least 60,000 plus no doubt certain expenses, pension etc..

many of theses so called refugees are nothing more than economic migrants

Ireland owes them nothing, we do not need more low skilled no skilled zero risk benefit seeking chancers.

It is onlya few years since RTE on late late show weekly theme was how bad the economy was - short more like no memory.

nick henderson CEO from england - a country that has not & will not take in anywhere near the numbers of refugees / immigrants per capita in any recent years that Ireland has.

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Yet this english blow in, immigrant talks as if he has credibility to preach to the Irish about care.

Preaches to us to do more, & this total chancer carries on telling us more more more.

even when even our own naive government minister Roderick O' Gorman has warned we have no room, that immigrants will be on the streets for weeks!
, at least roddy was actually voted in as a TD ( but not into government) by the people , roddy is not credibly a minister by will of the Irish people, he only has power to speak on behalf of (imo use misrepresent the will & take advantage of us all) courtesy of being part of a dodgy coalition of three parties none of whom were elected with remotely a majority .

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Our own government minister Roderick O' Gorman has warned we have no room, that immigrants will have no room to stay and will be on the streets for weeks.

Anyway more reality now & back to the salaried english preacher chancer nick henderson

for example

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If you are genuinely are so concerned for refugees Nick, you could do a even more worthwhile job in your own home nation!

Unlike Ireland with all vacant rooms taken even hotels overflowing with either genuine refugees or the more numerous economic cancer migrants.

the uk has only just started to consider using hotels, and what a fuss and people far more likely to be genuine.
Takes extreme guts to cross a channel to england on a boat but zero to take a plane and purposely & conveniently lose your ID during the flight!

Looks a lot like reality is nicks own government do not want them or people like him encouraging them.
No wonder he came to soft touch Ireland to preach

go back to UK preacher nick as your country by comparison needs to do much more, you will be doing a better job for genuine refugees & chancers alike over there!

For every 1 Ukranian the uk has taken in - Ireland has taken in at least 6
Pro rata to per head of population Ireland has taken in insane numbers by any international comparison. for every 1 war monger uk has taken in - Ireland has taken in at least 6

Hurry nick your country needs to listen to your preaching more, just remember not to lose your passport ID on the way, as the scam only works for some, its a one way scam.
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