Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Immigrant numbers in Ireland purposely selective MISLEADING FALSE claims

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Immigrant numbers in Ireland purposely selective MISLEADING FALSE claims

       Immigrant numbers in Ireland purposely selective MISLEADING FALSE claims Immigrant numbers in Ireland purposely selective MISLEADING FALSE claims Information
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Irish Author Immigrant numbers in Ireland purposely selective MISLEADING FALSE claims Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Brian T Dublin

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Re: Immigrant numbers in Ireland selective FALSE claims

Irish hal wrote:
FACT pro rata

For every 1 Ukranian the uk has taken in - Ireland has taken in at least 6

Pro rata to per head of population Ireland has taken in insane numbers by any international comparison.

Ireland Compared to the uk for example - ( uk where many if not a majority believe chancer immigrant numbers are considered so out of control - the govt there planned to send all non successful to Rwanda!!

Ukrainians to uk
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factual math of uk has 13.17 times X greater the population

Ireland percentage to per head of population compared to the uk.
has taken in the equivalent of

An insane irresponsible if not perverse 921,900 Ukranians

Think about that
Be like the war mongering world bully boy self elected policeman, weapons selling war =profits so called uk!
Taking in 921,900 Ukranians
not 151,000

Irish care less politicians have encouraged in (in the knowledge of and just dismissed the reality they were not able to properly look after their own properly- be that in housing schools hospitals all the vitals for genuine quality of life! )

Irish care less politicians have encouraged in pro rata a totally irresponsible number, and had thee nerve to quote BS claims of how few in comparison!
(even approved more low skilled just this week from the tird world to come take up low paid jobs (wages to be topped up via your tax)

Pro rata to population (and uk also has a superior housing stock pro rata)
For every 1 Ukranian (presuming they are even from Ukraine as Ireland is unlikely checking background but the uk will be) war monger uk has taken in - Ireland has taken in at least 6

The carefully (unqualified) selective political spin cliche claim to stop complaining "we Ireland have taken in so few immigrants by comparison" to the likes of estonia poland* czech republic etc... .

That claim (now a cliche) is a perverse lie!

Regardless of the reality that

most Irish do not want this many immigrants here in such numbers, especially when they clearly arrive mostly low skilled & worse unchecked no one knows their background or likely even if they are from Ukraine or where ever.

Ireland can not look after it's own properly, can not look after the far too many economic immigrants here from across EU and outside

Ireland has taken immigrants in far higher numbers than almost any other EU nation, the likes of much quoted so called taking in more than us - Poland estonia czech republic etc,, reality is they all had in common -basically zero immigrants before now and boasted about it- no intention of allowing in certain kinds of immigrant!

Before ukraine 2022 reality -
Poland gives the finger to EU about taking in immigrants
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IRELAND BTW via pathetic care less for anyone but self so called politicians like helen mcentee have not only allowed but actively encouraged in far more illegals and non eu economic chancers per capita than britain has

So lets have some honest context! and stop the BS selective crafted claims of how few ukranians by comparison we have here!
As that claim is so false in context, a plain perverse lie they trust no one checks!

Reality check
typically another promoted most by the womd uk who revel in war but don't want the refugees their weapons help cause!

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btw the numbers of non eu in the eastern europe countries are mainly dual citizen Russians or ethnic Russian citizens who have lived there (as in ukraine) for generations, there are most certainly not like for like with Irelands numbers who are recent no prior connection immigrant and mainly economic immigrants and from all over!

That show as selective arguments about the numbers Ireland is taking in any fair context!

have done did so before this bs war.

Certainly Do not want to pay for any ukranians to be here (POLAND BTW IS STOPPING LIMITING THEIR LOW BALL WELFARE to ukranians) Do not want them to be here, let alone to pay for them in so many ways.

Most Irish by now know that unchecked immigration is a grave mistake deadly for too many victims of the most serious crimes.

We have EU puppet politicians en-masse regardless of party who are scared to break ranks and ask common sense questions for fear of being labelled a putin bot.

As if we citizens of Ireland have no right to say a word of the housing crisis already here and here since 2019 at least,

Prior to this latest proxy war of competing empires
Ireland had a extremely high non national percentage of population of approx 17% and as was quoted by the likes of Bildeberg group man Peter Sutherland, actually this uncontrolled immigrants happened inside 10 years!

So Ireland unlike the much quoted estonia poland czech repubplic etc, unlike all of them (we had hundreds of thousands of them here) already had a immigration that we clearly could not properly look after - before ukraine!

So its especially perverse that the disgusting remarks of ukranian ambassador to ireland
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actually has the nerve to criticize Ireland for not having instant beds for them all as soon as they turn up!

Has any of the ukranian puppet politicians even dared to suggest this about the uk and USA who do not and will not accommodate ukranians refugee or not in anywhere close to the numbers what Ireland has done per head of population!

How many has she got in her embassy or home?
Has she put up a single one is accommodated by her personally in her home?

uk and usa who are only keen to send weapons just as in Syria, did not want the refugees caused by the destruction of their proxy wars.

When Irish people and non nationals alike can't even get a place to rent!

Enough of the absolute pish take.
enough is too many!

NO more from Ukraine and no more from anywhere that have as now zero checks.Irish Community Images
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It's just another power grab & opportunity for weapons manufacturers that yet again the ordinary people pay the price for.


Because you just accept the lies & BS selective claims of devious politicians and spokespeople for those employed to benefit from the asylum seeking scam

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