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Responding to British terrorism - chants at sporting events

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Boyle Bru

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Ireland

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Responding to British terrorism - chants at sporting events

In context of a supposed crime of the Irish womens football team singing a chorus of 'UP THE RA'

We of course know from history that the british state/ army never actually investigate any of their scum committing any crimes of any kind (not even mass murder) against the Irish or many another past or currently colonized for and on behalf of the crown.

Did UEFA ever investigate the new rangers actively promoting anti Irish and sectarian hatred and the british army crown forces clear involvement in hate speech.
Surely someone at UEFA thought that the sight of these pathetic slobs, was offensive not just physically.

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I like many Irish and many another in this world, consider many things thought harmless or even patriotic coming out of the so called uk, as vile disgusting sights and sounds, glorifying british past and current colonialism and the most brutal evil terrorism, every crime under the sun, millions murdered in any context!
To many more people the union jack is known as the butchers apron. The british flag represents cruel and violent colonial oppression, british terrorist murder and enslavement of native peoples.

As for the RA
Even the old english queen bowed her head to honor their memory

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So! so what, that the Irish womens football team singing in private a chorus of 'UP THE RA' among many other catchy tunes.

The Irish sing lots of songs about the IRA, rightly so the IRA founded this nation and we have every logical right and emotional right to honor them for ever in song.

The chant is up the RA, not Provisionals

No apology should have been made, especially not to any british sky tv, by what are after all very young girls who many if not all were not even born in the most recent time of british state and army inspired terrorism in the 6 counties, they would not even know the chants context to anything other than Irish freedom.

It is not glorifying the PIRA, they would not even know who they were anymore than Declan Rice who now plays for england but who prior used the very same expression in print! but now sings that (imo) disgusting historical terrorist crown praising god save so called royalty.
each to their own, no need for apology for singing in idolatry of the descendant of Hanover and multi billionaire so called royal, no need declan sing away but know God won't be saving them any more than any other human being, neither does britannia rule any waves!.
But sing away, as those old british terrorist empire songs are thankfully more comically pitifully ironic than credibly offensive these days.
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In context Declan rice made the statement online in public arena not in private!, Did UEFA investigate that - 'if it is such an offensive' thing!

Are UEFA going to investigate the new rangers football club who actively overtly promote british nationalism and at best accept if not encourage sectarianism and anti Irish race hate week in week out.

Even last night
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Famines over song,telling the Irish to go home! (no irony there then for supporters of the supposed more british than the british who claim to be from Scotland (latin for Land of the Irish) in Ireland, you know that rather sad typically obese and proudly ignorant pathetic ever dwindling insignificant minority, a minority among many another minority in modern Ireland, thankfully the plastic brits are just not so important anymore.
Scotland leaving uk is coming soon.
Ok You really must believe it! the uk is going to bust, having a party.

Will UEFA be investigating new rangers and their zombie fans especially still joy in the overtly political and essentially anti Irish mass chant of Bobby Sands - (ironically preserving his memory alive), even last night against Liverpool where the new rangers 1 - 7 Liverpool

new rangers both songs loud and clear heard on tv last night , will UEFA be investigating new rangers club to see if cthe club in any way promotes this extreme british political nationalism of the worst kind ?

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Did not the new rangers club itself organise this?
overtly british low life terrorist songs chanted as their fanbase do week in week out.

Horrible sectarian sticker left on Bill Shankly statue outside Anfield by new Rangers fans

So UP THE RA, does not mean for most specifically or even knowingly the Provisionals or any other movement.

It is sung in the theme, that Ireland was colonized and brutally oppressed by a foreign unelected not invited foreign bully crown of various forms for centuries - not a continuous line of course (don't give them credit) from French speaking Norman colonizers for centuries to evolve many centuries later english and later still evolve into british (Hanoverian).

So anyone can logically use in context and reasonably so
as honoring the founders of the Republic of Ireland.

Should have used that logic and reason for singing any song honoring the original IRA.

The IRA are Heroes of Ireland, heroes even the old english queen honored when she bowed her head to the IRA

If their queen could bow her head in memory of the men and women of the IRA at the Garden of Remembrance, then any Irish can sing

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That the PIRA are up for future historical debate,

The chant is not up the PIRA

It is up the RA

Most Irish sing it in memory of the Irish men and women who freed most of our land from the war mongering colonial british so called united kingdom.

In fair context of supposed 'offense' well I like many if not most Irish detest the sight of the union jack aka butchers apron

detest the sound of that historical colonial terrorist slave trading go save the queen/king

nothing against the ordinary people of anywhere, all are human beings,

But the british state! even the locals don't trust them or really believe they are for anything but the elite who have been abusing human rights for centuries.

Go research you'd be shocked at how the historical terrorist Norman families to cromwellian land grabbers (that's what it is always really about) descendants still own vast estates!

imo up the ra is a cheap bit pathetic tune,

Go learn a real Irish song to honor ALL the Irish women men and children who resisted in what ever way a foreign colonial terrorist bully boy and their spies and agents that still war monger (their vile perverse obscene arms industry of death and destruction) around the world as their own old empire collapses from within destroying soon even the notion of the 'uk'.
the so called uk will be the Michael Collins dictionary very definition for 'OXYMORON'.

No apology just learn to sing a better song or three

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I bet even the old english queen would tap her feet to this

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She even seems to have purposely worn a BROAD BRIMMER in honor OF THE IRA

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