Irish Forums Message Discussion :: liz saxe coburg und gotha was no great woman UNDER HER WATCH

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liz saxe coburg und gotha was no great woman UNDER HER WATCH

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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     liz saxe coburg und gotha was no great woman UNDER HER WATCH

Against the Crown

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ZERO automatic any special respect for any descendant of anyone I don't personally know, where would be the remote logic in acting so? let alone the obscenely wealthy descendant of serious criminals.

All the staged pomp myths bs british and their so called monarchy (who are ethnic germans btw), are in reality nothing but the happen stance descendants of historical thugs and criminals, benefactors of organized crime.

Not even english! a bunch of fairly recent german mafia family, who's family have been in england for less time than coca cola and who changed surname to call themselves windsor so as to not look so much of a obvious joke played on simps.

No such thing as royals, no more real than some supposed gypsy king thug who called himself king because he was the most violent thug.

The english lot like all the other so called royals (most of whom are related go back to german roots) are just perverse human beings who are not even honest moral enough to admit they are nothing but the descendants of successful serious criminals, the english/british lot are in reality from a branch of the saxe coburg und gothas , a germanic organized crime family of historical thugs perverts and parasites, many of who spawned the obscene just like liz who personally benefited from their ancestors terrorism, and continued crimes against humanity and never said a word!

Never spoke out, content to encourage the pathetic ignorant simps who bow and scrape before them as they do in North Korea to the fat oaf son of a bully boy ,

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Content to live their perverse wealthy lives on the foundations of past organized crime and not even remotely honorable or moral enough to even suggest this is not only a sham, but in the 21st century perverse plain wrong.

Torture and colonial terrorism in Ireland and many other nations that the bully boy could bully!

That pathetic britain a nation of brainwashed self imagined 'great' but nothing more than regular N Korea style idolater simps .

Under the so called queen so called royal liz's watch,

Under this so called great queen Liz watch
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What many of the regular Irish think - many detest them and have zero respect -

under her watch

apartheid south africa

Colonial terror in Ireland - british state bombings of Dublin Monagan and countless other war crimes.

Colonial terror in Africa

British forced Change of Government in Australia

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Lis was no great woman, she was nothing but the obscenely wealthy by direct descent of organised crime.

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Questions need to be asked by anyone who imagines themselves adult!

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Despite what the BBC want their simp audience to believe!

Not everyone around the world admires the pathetic perverse sham

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