Irish Forums Message Discussion :: british army coward killer of 12 years old Majella O'Hare

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british army coward killer of 12 years old Majella O'Hare

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Gerard Delaney Tipperary

Sceala Philosopher

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     british army coward killer of 12 years old Majella O'Hare

How many innocents did the supposed brave heroes all british army murder in Ireland?
Historically hundreds of thousands.

But even in the late 20th century during their so called emergency or Irish troubles in Ireland!! they murdered hundreds and maimed for life tens of thousands, the british thugs were give a free hand to beat up any paddy and would later invent the cause and charge!

Russia not a war a Special military operation! anyone?

The british terrorist cowards killers for the queen, who rampaged so bravely in gangs with guns and tanks - those so typically british army in reality were british street thug terrorists paid and armed by the british crown, typically low life semi literate, among the 'textbook examples of aggressive psychopaths' - the sort of moron simply unable to reflect!

many among these perverse low life scum still think that no matter what they did or who they abused or beat up or tortured, maimed or killed, they could not be guilty as they were fighting terrorists!!
How could they be guilty as the queens own!!

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what these low life scum in british 1970's 1980's 1990's meant was the Irish to them (not that many of them could have pointed to Ireland on a map) were like the blacks - third class less than!

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That's why a low life british terrorist scum not only murdered a completely
innocent Irish child 12 years old Majella O'Hare, but thought it was justified, the so called british army was never charged or found guilty,no doubt he was promoted for never admitted to being a child murderer.

Typically british army officers knew exactly what went on, so some of the top british politicians also knew and all happy to cover up murder of innocents.
so called brave British SAS murdered innocent Irish boy with special needs and then lied and then covered up

head of the supposed brave Sas - sir Peter de la Billiere perverse cruel claim about murder of innocent child

Pitchfork Murders British army murders of Irish and cover up

Sir John Jeremy Mackenzie knew about the Pitchfork murders

Brave British soldiers in Ireland murdered children

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