Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Homeless native Irish in ireland ignored but ukranians!

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Homeless native Irish in ireland ignored but ukranians!

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Irish Author Homeless native Irish in ireland ignored but ukranians! Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Sheffield

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Re: Homeless native Irish in ireland ignored but ukranians!

Boyle Bru wrote:
Mar 08, 2022

What does Ireland owe Ukraine?

We Irish people have not been playing at war games or arming any side in a decade old civil war, that now is a national war, possibly global war.

yet the mantra!

Ireland will not be found wanting.

Absolutely sick perverse claim to make, when there is and has been so much homeless in Ireland.

All these politicians singing off the same EU/USA supplied mantra.

What is the real care, how convenient it is for these so called caring on RTE primetime to make out their care!

these same have been content to ignore the housing problem already here!
content to step over the THOUSANDS OF HOMELESS already in Ireland.


Irish Community Video

Sr. Stan makes an urgent Christmas appeal for public support to help children and families experiencing homelessness. Already more than 1500 children and their families are homeless across Ireland. Meanwhile new figures issued today by Focus Ireland show that yet another 72 families lost their home this October in Dublin alone and were forced into homelessness. The crisis is also developing in other cities as more people are struggling to keep a roof over their head.

Focus Ireland’s family team supports families and children who are homeless and works to help them secure a home. Our team helps 15 to 20 families to secure a home each month ( Often in co-operation with local authorities and other NGO’s) but with 70 to 80 families becoming homeless every month the need for our services has never been greater.

Sr. Stan spoke of the terrible impact being homeless has on children as she said: “Christmas should be a time of joy for people to gather and share the happiness of the season in their own homes. However, it breaks my heart to say that tonight alone, there will be over 1500 children and their families who have no place to call home. It’s the children who feel it the worst. Many children and their families who are homeless are often squeezed into one tiny hotel room – 3, 4, 5 people in one room, nowhere to cook or for children to play. It’s not just families. There are many single people and couples homeless and they all need a home.”


Irish Community Video


Going by the actual reality of so many homeless already here, so many times more who will never know home security,
You will also very likely be failed.

Ireland is found wanting already.

Only Perverse Incompetent EU Teachers Pet Hypcoritical Politicians would say otherwise.
Or maybe the headlines of previous years and charities like Focus Ireland are making it all up.

We Ireland can't look after own adequately.

That's a fact.

I do not support more immigrants to make it even worse for the poor here

It won't be any of these politicians who can't afford to make ends meet or nt have enough to just spend as they please in a shop.

We Ireland can't look after own adequately.

That's a fact.

Perverse to encourage more in, sick to enciurage limitless numbers in with no checks, from Ukraine where they recently released dangerous criminals
with military experience provided they fight.
Yes that's exactly how convicted criminals work, they obey the laws.

The EU has waived any checks, The Uk is correct to at least be checking who they claim to be.

Ireland can't look after own adequately.

That's a fact.

So not just perverse in context of the thousands of homeless already in Ireland, bur dangerous as more convicted dangerous criminals from the EU will take advantage of this, anyone can say they are Ukranians, who is going to check

Remember the Garda and Polish driving license farce!
the thousands of prawo jazdy they were looking to ban or add penalty points or fines.

"Prawo Jazdy" was an alleged Polish criminal supposedly active in the Republic of Ireland. The name was listed on PULSE, a computer system used by the Gardaí, with at least 50 traffic violations, including speeding and parking violations, recorded across the country, but there were suspicious aspects such as each incident being associated with a different address. "Prawo Jazdy" was also listed as a name on the Fixed Charge Processing System (FCPS). An investigation was launched into whom the Gardaí considered to be Ireland's worst traffic violator

prawo jazdy means driving licence

That was the reality of the checking going on of immigrants of who is coming into Ireland and who is doing what in Ireland, basically NONE!

It has got worse since, with one Judge stating God help Ireland.

EU already allows dangerous criminals licence to cross borders in and be a extreme danger to your children,

It is insane enough in Ireland as it is!#
As a Judge declared on the perverse reality .
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especially if you are Irish working class and paying for this insanity

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