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Watershed moment - needs Ireland immigrant border checks

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Irish Author Watershed moment - needs Ireland immigrant border checks Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Brian Whelan

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Kildare

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Re: Watershed moment - needs Ireland immigrant border checks

Canuck Republican wrote:
Jan 18, 2022

Do RTE want to encourage more naivety.
Watershed moment is sadly wishful dreaming.

A watershed moment! Do they not know how often that has been wished for in so many other EU nations and the UK?

Here are some plain facts.

There can be no watershed moment - when there are no checks - because of the simple fact you can not analyze or manage, what you don't have information data for.
That is absolute fact, a reality.

There can only be a watershed moment in a controlled environment, where people are educated to never accept violence against women or men against anyone.
Where violent crimes of assault are treated as a priority over say personal debt, which it seems the very opposite of current Irish legal system.

There can only be a watershed where you have a legal system to suit, enabled by a 'caring' Government that never, never allows solicitors to use loopholes to allow violent criminals to get off with any crime.
Zero tolerance against any violent crime.
This starts in school with bullies, ironically the extremes of left and right wing are the one & same, hapy to gang up against those they believe they can silence.

And most of all because sadly here is the reality of Ireland in 2021 and 2022 where we have zero checks on who comes in,.
If we consider the history of so many similar nations in the EU who have had similar wished for watershed moments and the uk our nearest neighbour uk (who we have zero people checks with)
then far from a watershed
their experiences all suggest it will only get even worse into the future if nothing is done.

More people in Ireland, women & men and children regardless of age, more will be victims of violent crime.

The experience of every once comparatively safe other European nation (see Sweden for example), that experience reality is the reason why it is not just naive but dangerous to others life's to imagine or encourage anyone to naively believe this is a watershed moment.

There can be no watershed moment - when there are no checks - because of the simple fact you can not analyze or manage, what you don't have information data for.
That is absolute fact, a reality.

Reality is - We have enough violent scumbags of our own for the Garda to deal with already in Ireland, native and immigrant violent criminals, far too many of them already here to realistically hope a watershed moment will actually occur.
But it is possible! But it could be possible if! people demand change and resources for the Garda and demand their politicians act.

But sadly impossible if you look at what is going on in Ireland- as even with limitless resources it will be impossible task for the Garda or the public to make this happen when the plain fact is no checks are carried out who is coming in to Ireland.


If you imagined there were! Then
LOOK at just these 2 recent cases (among many more violent assaults and murders carried out by recent immigrants) and then realize what is going on in Ireland and sadly just how the naive the hope for a watershed moment.


Just look at these 2 cases where children were the victims if you have any doubt of the sad reality.

Extremely upsetting to read but you need to if you want change as you need to demand politicians to act, as this is the reality.

<span><img> Man accused of sexually abusing girl is refused bail
Detective Garda says the accused - who was helping as a childminder - is a potential flight risk
Sat, Sep 4, 2021, 14:55
Tom Tuite
The offences are alleged to have taken place from the start of January until the last week of April this year. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

A man accused of sexually assaulting his ex-partner’s young daughter over a four-month period has been refused bail.

The accused, a foreign national aged in his 40s, appeared before Judge Anthony Halpin at Dublin District Court on Saturday.

He was charged with 10 sample counts of sexually assaulting the primary schoolgirl in Dublin.

His barrister told the court the allegations were graphic but his client will contest them, and that he was seeking bail and would obey conditions.

Detective Garda Tracey O’Reilly told the court the accused was arrested on Friday at his home and then taken to Store Street station.

He made no reply when charged with offences contrary to section two of the Criminal Law (Rape) (Amendment) Act, 1990, the court heard.

During the contested bail hearing, Detective Garda O’Reilly submitted that the accused was a potential flight risk.

He had lived in Ireland illegally for several yearsand was not registered with the Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB), she said.

The offences are alleged to have taken place from the start of January until the last week of April this year.

Detective Garda O’Reilly told the court the girl “documented it in a letter and handed it to a teacher in school”. The child disclosed that “she was subjected to sexual abuse at the hands of her mother’s friend”, Judge Halpin heard.

The detective said this occurred during lockdown when the child’s mother was working long hours and the accused was helping as a childminder and had more access to her.

The offences can result in a maximum sentence of 14 years.

Detective Garda O’Reilly said that the man, who did not address the court, was in the State illegally, has had no interaction with the GNIB and has no ties to this jurisdiction.

He had also travelled to England and returned via the north of Ireland to avoid detection, she alleged, adding that the man had no intention of remaining in the country.

Cross-examined by defence counsel Kevin McCrave she agreed the child and her mother had ceased contact with the accused.

The barrister put it to her that the accused would abide by strict conditions, surrender his passport and could sign on twice a day at a Garda station, and he would have no contact with the alleged injured party, directly or indirectly.

Questioned further, the detective said there were no conditions that would allay her fears.

Judge Halpin accepted the garda’s genuine fear and was satisfied that he must refuse bail. Legal aid was granted and the accused was remanded in custody to appear again next week.

The judge reminded the press that reporting restrictions meant nothing could be published that would identify the complainant<img></span>


Extremely upsetting to read but you need to if you want your politicians to act, as this is the reality.

Man to be sentenced over beating and raping 12-year-old step-daughter
The judge adjourned sentencing until 22 October, next.
Oct 4th 2021, 4:19 PM 36,417 Views 0 Comments Share4 Tweet Email

A MAN WHO strangled his ex-girlfriend to death in his native country will be sentenced later for continually beating and twice raping his 12-year-old step-daughter.

The 32-year-old man, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim, served a 10 year term after he was convicted of killing his former girlfriend. He was released from prison on condition that he not leave his native EU state until January 2022.

He came to Co Cork in 2019, met the child’s mother and married her two months later. The child had not met the man, as she was away with her father at the time and was introduced to him for the first time at the end of summer 2019 when he had moved into the family home she shared with her mother.

An investigating officer told Lorcan Staines SC, prosecuting, that gardaí were called to the family home in May 2020 after a neighbour alerted them to a domestic incident there.

On arrival officers noticed that the child had a cut and bruising to the bridge of her nose and had bruised eyes. Her mother, the accused and the child all claimed that she had sustained the injuries after she had fallen down the stairs.

Gardaí returned to the house that same evening to check on the welfare of the child and one officer spoke to the child alone in the kitchen. The teenager again reiterated that she had hurt herself having fallen down the stairs but later rolled up the sleeve of a jumper to reveal a large bruise to her arm.

She admitted the accused man had hurt her and showed the garda further bruising. The girl was taken from the home that evening and put in emergency care. She has not returned since and is now living with an adoptive family.

The garda told Staines that the child was taken to a garda station where she was questioned by specialist garda interviewers. She initially only spoke of a number of incidents of being beaten by the man but later passed a note to say that she had also been sexually abused.

She was interviewed a second time during which she disclosed three episodes of sexual assault and two incidents of rape by the accused in April 2020.

The man pleaded not guilty at the Central Criminal Court to a number of charges of child cruelty which involved the assault of a child, assault causing harm, sexual assault and rape at the home in Co Cork on dates between September 2019 and May 2020.

Last July, a jury convicted him on one charge of assault causing harm, six charges of child cruelty involving assault, three charges of sexual assault and two charges or rape. The man has been on remand in custody since June 2020.

Ronan Munro SC, defending, confirmed to Ms Justice Deirdre Murphy that his client still maintains his innocence.

He submitted that as a foreign national in an Irish prison, the man will find his time in custody more difficult than other inmates.

Munro suggested to the court, that given that the child is fearful of meeting her step-father again, his client will undertake to leave Ireland on completion of his sentence if the judge chooses to suspend a proportion of his sentence on condition that he never return to this country again.

Ms Justice Murphy said she needed time to consider the case and adjourned sentencing until 22 October, next<img></span>

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