| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Homeless crisis Hospitals crisis Ireland but politicians encourage immigrants & CHANCERS |
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Homeless crisis Hospitals crisis Ireland but politicians encourage immigrants & CHANCERS
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Homeless crisis Hospitals crisis Ireland but politicians encourage immigrants & CHANCERS Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Irish Granny
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Navan
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Homeless crisis Hospitals crisis Ireland but politicians enc
Mon Nov 15, 2021
Update 2022
Update 2024
was in uk for 15 years! that point totally ignored by mcentee and roderic
imo in a just society, both would be in court for the false BS and crimes they have caused, for all the young Irish they have encouraged out of teir own land Ireland whilst at same time encouraging in chancers from 3rd world! for the homeless crisis they have made far worse than imaginable even a few years ago.
Criminally incompetent at best!
Just a liar who avoids actual answers!
Excellent analysis by Ben Scallan
I would go further and state all politicians shown
Varadker Martin O Gorman Catherine Martin all misled all unapologetic liars
are not only liars, but content and smug in their lies - all extreme woke agenda driven not one of them cares about the people of Ireland over total foreign strangers, in fact a few clearly care more for unaccompanied unvetted male foreign strangers even the many serious criminals they are determined to import in numbers so as to break what is left of Irish culture and family or remotely recognizable distinct Irish society .
Mon Nov 15, 2021
Are Politicians so out of touch or so well off they just don't care unless its for votes or publicity.
It seems far too many are only happy to be seen on the news caring for asylum seekers & other immigrants, pretending for the cameras they care for humanity.
Roderic O Gorman TD of Green Party,
Literally No where to rent (let alone affordably literally none to rent in many areas) or buy in most of Ireland and this prize fool Roderic_OGorman is actively encouraging more and more immigrants in!
Roderic O Gorman TD of Green Party, is only a minister courtesy of a multi coalition - not representative of the people , he was not and never would be voted by a majority of Irish people as any Government minister naturally!!, to me and many other Irish he cares more about sexual identity of minorities and encouraging more and more immigrants into Ireland than any credible care for the Irish people.
Please stop this madness of encouraging in more and more low paid unskilled workers, especially into jobs that can be done and would be happily done by native students.
If the madness carries on, Ireland will become even worse for so many more.
If the pC brigade are allowed to silence the sensible majority it will only ensure and result in one thing - any future crisis will be multiple times worse.
Do these politicians not know they already have basic tasks to be concerned with, right here at home!
Do these extreme left wing (so often on the dole or on some college course paid for by those who actually go to work) and PC politicians think we all live in their bubbles?
Even the english guardian newspaper appear to be more aware!
Ireland does not have a hidden homeless crisis, it is obvious to anyone who ACTUALLY cares about people!
Ireland is not able to look after it's own! let alone encourage more and more low paid in to work for less money and less rights.
Really feel so sorry for anyone homeless anywhere, but we have too many of our own in need before we look for more!
After all it was not Ireland making war in Syria or anywhere else, that was the usual uk & co, let them who make war take care of their mess!
Reality in Ireland
We have a near total collapse of home economics in Ireland, in a literal sense - as now and for a number of years the typical native no longer has any real prospect of buying their own home, and thousands are homeless.
Many can not even afford to rent a home without welfare subsidy of a form.
Who pays tor all this?
Definitely not the over paid politicians!
Who cares tor all this?
Definitely not the over paid politicians!
Makes me sick witnessing Irish politicians over in Syria smiling for the cameras, pretending they care for humanity!
Offering presumably free homes to foreign asylum seekers, when they must know this will only encourage more and more to come. Only encourage those who make money out of this madness, only encourage the extremes.
Do these so called politicians not see we already have a
And growing problems in almost every basic essential service IN IRELAND, be that a school place to getting a GP appointment.
The above is reality!
These so called politicians must not care about anyone, except the camera and their own smug selves!
irishtimes.com/news/s ocial-affairs/homeless-figures-heading-in-wrong-direction-as-total-hits-8-475-1.4714339
Homeless figures 'heading in wrong direction' as total hits 8,475
Children make up more than quarter of homeless population with over 1,800 in Dublin
Fri, Oct 29, 2021, 17:54
A total of 8,475 people were recorded as homeless in September, with children making up more than a quarter of those without a home in the State.
Department of Housing figures show there were 2,344 children living in emergency accommodation last month, with more than 1,800 in Dublin.
The number of young homeless people has increased significantly in recent months, with 989 people aged 18-24 listed as homeless in the latest report. A total of 128 people aged 65 or older were recorded as being homeless last month.
Responding to the figures, Focus Ireland chief executive Pat Dennigan said said the charity for homeless people was 'deeply concerned' to see the numbers 'heading in the wrong direction'.
'The progress that was made during the last two years is now being lost because we have stopped doing the things that worked 'protecting renters and freezing rents,' he said.
Homeless numbers on Leeside more than double in 7 years
"Demand is completely outweighing supply"
The number of adults in Cork needing emergency accommodation rose from around 200 in 2014 to 412 in June 2021, a new report from Focus Ireland warns.
There were 492 adults in emergency accommodation in the South West region, a rise of 144% since June 2014, when the figures were first published.
The stark figures have been revealed in the latest Focus On Homelessness report - which gives a detailed breakdown for each region in Ireland.
'We've been given notice to leave our property. We'd been renting for two years, the landlord is selling. We applied to over 70 properties but as of Friday, we are homeless. The council are placing us in emergency accommodation. I have four little girls (age 7,5,2,1) as well as my partner, and I don't know where else we need to turn to try and find somewhere for us to have a home.'
Toni's call to RTEs Liveline last week provided another human story of how the housing crisis has spiralled out of control.
What have we become as a country when people feel they have no option but to ring a national call-in radio show to try find a home? It is heartbreaking listening to the impact that losing their home is having on her children.
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Toni described how her seven-year-old is starting to get "really bad anxiety because of all of this".
"Her birthday is on the first of December. She said for her birthday she doesn't want anything, she wants a house. She just wrote her list to Santa, saying that she just wants a house, a forever home for her family.
"My kids, as of Friday, are living out of backpacks. They've got their favourite teddies packed.
My 7-year-old, she came home early from school yesterday, with her anxiety, because she believes if she is in school for too long, she will come home and she is not going to have a home.
This is a traumatic experience for that girl, and her sisters. It is already causing anxiety, and research done on the impact of homelessness on children points to potential lifelong impacts. How do we accept children being traumatised in this way as a society, given that it is utterly avoidable?
These children and families are being made homeless, not because of something they have done, but because of the failure of successive Irish governments to provide social and affordable homes, and to give tenants protection from evictions. I'm deeply concerned that family and child homelessness is becoming normalised in Irish society.
It is important we listen to the human stories, like that of Toni and her family. Opening ourselves to the emotional impact of what is happening to these children, to actually feel the emotions it brings up in us - I cried, and felt I wanted to do something to help - is more likely to lead us to not accept this, to try to help, and to demand of Government that something must be done.
The sheer amount of children being made homeless in Ireland today is a case of State failure and the violation of the basic human rights of the Irish state's most vulnerable citizens, its children.
Even Aljazeerah know what's going on.
Of course none will mention that immigration out of control plays a major part in the lack of all basics, again where did you imagine they were all going to live?
So another sad reality is some that do care on these reports, will not even consider the obvious! selectively oblivious to the math! some of these genuine people who do care will be the same calling out anyone who says we need to look after our own first a racist.
I could not care less what anyone's religion is what shade of skin they have or even if they consider themselves not Irish, not asking or expecting anyone but serious criminals to be deported.
But enough is enough, for everyone's sake it is time to say Ireland is a mess and if we don't all speak out we are only making sure it will be a disaster a incurable mess.
The dole won't last for ever, social welfare will be cut in the future, so even you liberals who have no ambition and sit at home every day never intending on buying your own home =, content to take from the state.
Look to what happens eventually,when the system breaks, as in the uk.
Capped social benefits, so the moral is you too will be effected!
Your children for sure.
Not one of them evens asks a question about the OUT OF CONTROL IMMIGRATION CRISIS and extreme but mainly unnecessary dangers and risks they have collectively imposed upon Irish society they have collectively allowed, silently sat by and allowed when not actively promoted.
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