Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Non EU criminals and mentally deranged - any checks done?

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Non EU criminals and mentally deranged - any checks done?

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Sceala Philosopher
Location: Ireland but feels like USA lite

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Re: Non EU criminals and mentally deranged - any checks done

[quote="Frank Devenny"]It is bad enough that Ireland allows serious criminals & disturbed in from within the EU & real bad these EU rapists and serious criminals are seldom ever deported when ever any are actually captured and charged and actually sentenced *the few who legal aid solicitors' we all pay for!! can't somehow get their client off using what ever supposed (selective) language or cultural excuse.

But a whole other story when not even from Europe.


Terrible for the victims family, from another part of Africa.
Possibly this insane violent killing might not have occurred if it were not so easy to just arrive here and chance asylum or extended stay, or attend one of the supposed english language schools!

If it were not for liberal lunatics who appear to care more for or exclusively for immigrants, care only for the plight as long as they're not Irish or already here in Ireland and look foreign!
If it were not for the too many employed in some field who make a living out of immigrants.

Just be good to know!
What checks are ever done on asylum seekers or non EU immigrant or visa applicants?

What if any checks are ever done to even attempt to identify either serious criminals or the seriously mentally disturbed. (both of who are equally as likely to bring and leave devastation to others)
Seen as a Doctor now says
seems a touch remarkable that no one else noticed or cared before!

Then other questions might/should logically be
What exact skills did this insane woman from Kenya have, that Ireland so desperately needed?
As she made her application for whatever asylum or visa, did anyone even ask any questions that might raise doubt about this woman being allowed to be here!

Did she ever do a days work to be able to live in what looks like a very nice house in Foxrock, Dublin.

[b]You know kind of logical fair reasonable questions to at least ask[/b] when Ireland has a housing crisis for its own immediate population!

When the typical young family can not afford a home and cant even get on a waiting list.
Why house rent is so expensive in Ireland

Ireland that has severe cut backs for its own special needs children and adults alike.

Who or what group of extreme liberal elites can imagine for a second that the average person in Ireland, either native born or immigrant wants this carry on.

Sick of reading similar shyte on a daily basis and really sick of having the idea that because someone is not white, they can't be racist or intolerant.

Regardless of color, some of those with darker shades of skin are among the most intolerant anti liberty extremists around.

But lets all just nod along and pretend that the world is simple because in the USA some thug police officers killed a petty criminal, that now all things are black & white.

Thankfully this insane woman did no have so called 'white skin' it would by now be called a racist murder by some! a& encouraged by those in the industry that makes a living out of talking shyte.[/quote]

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