| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Irish government acting at last still but naively and timid |
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Irish government acting at last still but naively and timid
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Irish government acting at last still but naively and timid Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Mayo & USA
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Irish government acting at last still but naively and timid
Tue Mar 17, 2020 5:03 pm
So schools are closed on the parts of Ireland that we Irish can control (the better knowing than everyone else in the world still gambling with danger, the more arrogant pompous among their 'british leaders' actually believe their scientists know a better day to close than the rest of the world)
The Irish government of sorts actually doing something at last, in no small way embarrassed to act by the actions pro-active govts in Europe who did act, did not repeat BS claims of so called british better scientists!
When please God the world has got this under control of sorts, enough for life to carry on more normally for most, when most ill can be treated effectively and in good conditions (ignoring of course the third of the world we don't really care about who live worse day to day all the time)
When that happens, lessons need to be learned and actions taken
We need to replace these so called scientists like holohan who naively or arrogantly knew better told us to defy logic, telling us for example that not checking people at airports has any effect!
You don't need to be a scientist to know he was talking not only shyte, but as we all know now dangerous or naive shyte.
We need to rethink what sort of society we want,
Do we want a free for all , effectively a convenience store for all any any to come and go as they please, many attracted by low paid low skills mundane jobs! The way the tax system is set up here many contribute little or nothing to the pot, many through welfare assistance get top ups on these unskilled low paid jobs that only benefit the global companies like and the greedy native so called business people who exploit this unsustainable calamity in waiting regardless of any natural phenomenon or human made madness.
Hundreds of thousands of these jobs which will disappear this week and coming, and we the tax contributors in wages will be not only paying not only to cover these hundreds of thousands of migrant workers, but also victims along with them of a health system that has not planned for them!
No one individual Ireland caused this current global emergency, but we did as a nation stand by for such a event waiting to happen.
The real enemies of humankind
As for these so called left or right politically! same a$$holes stood back to back in circles.
One thinks they can control all yet want it for nothing as they naively and conveniently ignore all reality of the wider world they rely upon.
the other thinks we all have rights for this rights for that as they naively and conveniently ignore all reality of the wider world they rely upon.
Back to topic, don't forget the temp checks and controls at airports, not asking for Trump like extremes, just start with the minimum care Irish govt had put in Place to protect cattle on this Island, checking new arrivals will not infect those currently here.
We need to replace the so called best scientists here or any other who even try to suggest such checks have no effect, of no value!
Don't work! no value!
We can all selectively pick parts to attempt to substantiate almost any idea.
but Taiwan's stats tell the full story.
As did Australias lockdown in the spanish flu a century ago.
No expert is born able to talk! not one of them, therefore all need to be doubted! all need to be checked and when shown as arrogant replaced before they endanger any more.
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