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british health secretary matt hancock BS in a time of crisis

       british health secretary matt hancock BS in a time of crisis british health secretary matt hancock BS in a time of crisis Information
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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     british health secretary matt hancock BS in a time of crisis

Just heard this BULLSHITTER matt hancock on sky news claim that the uk were the best in the world in carrying out tests.

The chancer claimed they had carried out more tests than anyone else outside of china and italy.

He is either a fecking liar or a BULLSHITTER politician who does not know how to tell the truth.

No surprise as british politicians are certainly exceptional liars by world standards.

His claim! fact checked (unless the uk has magically zoomed ahead and Germany (much better equipped to protect its people btw) has just stood still the past couple of days
11 March 2020

Public Health England has already carried out more than 25,000 tests across the UK.

According to the latest figures, those tests have revealed 373 confirmed UK cases as of 09:00 GMT on Tuesday. Six people who tested positive for the Covid-19 disease have died in British hospitals.

Christian Drosten, a leading virologist at the Charite hospital in Berlin, said there was no guarantee that the situation in Germany wouldn’t change dramatically.

There were 35,000 coronavirus tests done in private practices last week with an unknown number also being carried out at hospitals, according to the KBV German Assn. of Physicians. The country has ramped up capacity and can now perform 12,000 tests per day"

Keep in mind Germany was a lot more easy for the infected of Italy to enter than the uk was, just drive on in!

This hancock and boris and their team of chosen so called experts, were very likely the word to go to, to listen to to follow! until very recently for the Irish government.! when the actions of fellow EU nations and the Irish people forced them to act.

No more I hope follow these british political Bullshitters! in times like this! or any for that matter

OH btw for fact checkign in the real world

many more nations have carried out more tests per head of population than hancocks words claim!

news today within 5 hours of the BS claims
How many tests are being carried out?
There is considerable variation in how many people are being tested for coronavirus around the world.

South Korea has been carrying out more tests per head of population than anyone else, with nearly 20,000 people tested every day.

Compare that with an average of about 1,500 a day in England - although there are now plans to ramp this up to 10,000 daily.

The US has so far carried out even fewer tests, with reports of shortages at some health centres.

How severe the outbreak has been is another factor, with countries which see a spike in cases generally starting to increase the numbers they test.

Likewise hancocks advice about mass gatherings and it isn't really a matter of how large the crowd is, but more about those infected to not attend.!!!!!!

Oh just one wee problem there professor hancock!

Many (as you have said yourself) if not most, do not even know they have the virus!

hence the need to enforce it ya half wit typical british political Bullshitter.

no offence to the british people who should know well their political BS from farage the twister to boris the panto prime minister, all out to promote themselves and interests at the expense of the people.

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