Irish Forums Message Discussion :: extreme Brit nationalist fake labour MP Kate O'Hoey MOPE

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extreme Brit nationalist fake labour MP Kate O'Hoey MOPE

       extreme Brit nationalist fake labour MP Kate O'Hoey MOPE extreme Brit nationalist fake labour MP Kate O'Hoey MOPE Information
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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- extreme Brit nationalist fake labour MP Kate O'Hoey MOPE
Irish Author extreme Brit nationalist fake labour MP Kate O'Hoey MOPE Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Boogie Wonderland

Irish Forums Member
Location: London, Grand Rapids, MI & Cavan

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     extreme Brit nationalist fake labour MP Kate O'Hoey MOPE

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Not just a typical ignorant inbred supposed "Protestant= British" extremist idiot, a conniving one purposely used a supposed Irish identity placed to further only 19th (when not 17th) century ideas extremes of supposed britishness. (essentially an 18th century invent for needs of Hanoverians to actually rule over ignorant willing muppets in england & outwards)

So called Labour MP Kate O'Hoey, that one who once upon a time fooled all too many of the Irish in London who voted for her thinking she is remotely interested in them!

Of course she never cared for anyone Irish! even called out the British prime minister dancing to the tune of an Irish Taoiseach!

Irish Taoiseach?

O'Hoey never cared for the Irish in London who foolishly not only vote for this thing, but say nothing when she is as anti Irish as they come!

not and never was, and now with Brexit farce she has outed herself as one of those 'Not Irish' mythical scots irish prods, you know those Christians that were always prods and for the union jack and bigot fest marching and bonfires and anything but Irish types.

Not just common ultra flag waving mindless senseless petty nationalists of the most simple kind, reared on utter BS of course.
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But Kate O'Hoey is a brit and proud of the myths
Today it is madder than mad for she sees the future and the past so easy in her simple mindset.

Ulster scot brit? always a prod ? nothing else matter so work any BS to convince themselves they are right.
You know just like that central MYTH the supposed brits of ulster like to portray.

They are not Irish and have never ever ever been Catholics anywhere along the line, these are pure bred and different.

Despite all the evidence, all the historical timelines and clarity for the even the vaguely curious 'open' mind!
Kate O'Hoey is most definitely

just another descendent of a poor colonized or lacky Irish somewhere along the line.
Even though.
Hoey is an IRISH surname. Spelling variations include: O'Hoey, Haughey, McCaughey and McKeogh, among others. The original Irish spelling is Ó hEochaidh. The Hoeys are descendants of the ancient Dál Fiatach dynasty, rulers of the Ulaid and formers kings of Ulster.

Quite a lot like the Planet of the MOPES

Most Oppressed Protestants Ever.
.Irish Community Images
FEAR and base primitive myths and beliefs drive the ignorance.

But Unlike Zira, hoey is more of the extremist one sided only story!

The other side of the story!

Scots Irish against the British Crown. Protestant and Irish

Poster boy of the supposed Scots Irish! BUT in his own autobiography described his family as Irish

the cultural links between American Hillbilly Appalachian and Irish music and dance

Irish family surnames, The Clans Septs of Ireland .

Scots Irish against the British Crown. Protestant and Irish

How the Irish Celts saved Britain

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