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Elvis Presley Irish ancestors Irish not myth scots irish

        Elvis Presley Irish ancestors Irish not myth scots irish Elvis Presley Irish ancestors Irish not myth scots irish Information
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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- Elvis Presley Irish ancestors Irish not myth scots irish
Irish Author Elvis Presley Irish ancestors Irish not myth scots irish Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Brian Whelan

Sceala Philosopher
Location: Kildare

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Elvis Presley Irish ancestors Irish not myth scots irish

ELVIS PRESLEY WAS IRISH WITH HIS ROOTS IN THE VERY SOUTH OF IRELAND IN COUNTY CARLOW and not the supposed scots irish (political myth invention of brit bigots)
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Like the Davy Crockett who in his own autobiography describes his family as of Ireland and IRISH! not scots anything what so ever, no mention what so ever!
that never stopped the myths of the orange lodge and co who invent ad hoc,
should come as no surprise when their whole basis is founded in a myth.

so have these bigots for political racist and sectarian reasons just claimed Elvis. But no more, no surrender to their ignorant MYTHS!

These ignorant racist more british than the british imbeciles must think no one will actuallycheck their claims!

An 18th-century court document, proving Elvis Presley’s Irish ties, shows that his ancestor fled Leinster’s mean streets “in great dread” for a quieter life in America.

The document, from 1775, which will be auctioned in a Dublin saleroom on May 14th, concerns legal proceedings brought by William Presley, the singer’s great-great-great-great-grandfather.

Originally from the townland of Stranakelly near Shillelagh, Co Wicklow, Presley, a farmer, claimed he had been savagely assaulted by a group of men in Hacketstown, in neighbouring Co Carlow.

In Carlow Court of Assizes on August 25th, 1775, he claimed that he had been “violently insulted, assaulted, beat and abused” by a group of Wicklow men.

He said the men had used their “whips and fists, dragged him down by the legs”, and when down, gave him “several kicks in his body and face”, all “without any provocation”.

The men were “swearing they would have his life”, he told the magistrate. Presley said he was now in “great dread and fear of his life”.

Presley named the perpetrators: “Andrew Morris of Mullannashea; ffrancis Morris of Whiterock; Samuel Morris of Cross; Thomas Morris, William Wilson, Thomas Matthers and Several Other Persons whose names Deponent knoweth not.”

The magistrate agreed to list the case for a further hearing.

It is not known what happened next in the court, but Presley emigrated to the US later that year - with his son Andrew - and first settled in New Orleans.

The document is in Whyte’s Auctioneers Eclectic Collector sale on May 14th and has an estimate of €500-700.

Three years ago, genealogists discovered Elvis Presley’s link to William Presley.

Auctioneer Ian Whyte said: “Elvis’s great-great-great-great-grandfather left Ireland after being attacked . . . this document proves the link and explains why Elvis was born in America.”

According to the catalogue notes, William Presley later moved to Tennessee, where he died in 1802.

Another MYTH of the BULLSHYTE supposed scots irish debunked, the bs merchants who without any actual evidence just claimed Elvis

Presumably on the basis of the surname Presley.

Elvis Irish ancestors did not even live in Ulster!
His ancestor lived in wicklow
Are these brits that ignorant? or just selectively ignorant?
both of course!

IRISH NAMES WERE ALL ANGLICISED, changed by proscribed laws that encouraged via the English law / terrorist sword the outlawing of all MAC AND O' names.

examples for you brit bigot fools

So Mac Gabhann became MacGowan became and then when the penal laws and anglicisers got to work became Smyth or Gow or Gowan or Cowan or a number of variants - almost anything but the Irish original.

The orange and BNP brit (same thing) like to quote Gerry Adams as must have been English because of his surname.

Wrong you selectively ignorant racist bigots!

Adams in Ireland (0r where ever there descendants emigrated) is Anglicized from Irish original, when in Ulster and Louth etc. Ir. Mac Adaim, Mac Ádhaimh (early). More general as Adams. The Barrys of Cork adopted the patronymic Mac Adaim at one stage. In Armagh it may be a corruption of Mac Cadáin (Mac Cadden).

or read here little brit nationalist dreamer buffoons
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Presley is likely one of a several Irish origins
As for the first famous Elvis he was a Irish saint!

Elvis ironically originally Irish and Ailbe of Emly
who was
Oh another wee myth of the supposed first Christian in Ireland invented by French Normans! themselves descended from Vikings who learned how to read and write from the native Irish

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