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James Galway Flute Player on Ian Paisley

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Irish Author James Galway Flute Player on Ian Paisley Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
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Sceala Philosopher
Location: Ireland but feels like USA lite

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     James Galway Flute Player on Ian Paisley

Look likes James Galway wonders similar thoughts to old posts here.

Did Ian Paisley play a role in promoting acts of terrorism?
British loyalist murderer claim inspired by Ian Paisley

That is what I like about this site, it makes you think of the other side of the pancake.

Finn's old quote " no matter how thin the mixture there are always 2 sides to the pancake".

As the world media was encouraged by westminster to view Ian Paisley as some kind of peace loving hero, this site reminded me of the reality of the extreme and plastic british nationalist and brutish sectarian thug Paisley!

Just as the world media was encouraged by westminster to view the so called 'Irish problem' as if it was the Irish own fault.

Westminster and the Crown referring to the Irish problem, is like a child abuser blaming the child.
The old british Crown simple history tales of Ireland and the Irish promoted for colonial gain, and still promoted by plastic british nationalist and some extreme british politicians who all appear to have special selective powers, where anything Irish is questioned and scrutinized and labelled, but anything supposedly british always good intentions when not heroic, anything bad and british was a mere rogue!

Brick by brick we Irish need to show the other side of the story, present the proven Westminster Crown lies and by default make british crown political fairytales apparent.

"The world-renowned classical flautist told BBC Radio Ulster in an interview on Thursday, which was broadcast on Friday, he �never admired� the former DUP leader and founder of the Free Presbyterian Church, who died in September 2014.

I think he was on paper a man of God but in reality I don't think he was, he said. I mean how could you justify setting one side against the other?

During a wide ranging interview with The Nolan Show the 75-year-old, originally from north Belfast but now living in Switzerland, said:

Let's talk about Ian Paisley. Now, he was a religious leader. How many people do you think he was responsible for killing indirectly by planting the thoughts of violence and no surrender in the heads of people who had no more sense?

When asked if he believed Rev Paisley was responsible for some deaths he said: Well, I'm sure he was because he wasn�t exactly preaching let's all live together, was he?

When The Irish Times contacted the Paisley family for their response Ian Paisley jnr explained legal advice was being taken.

This is with the solicitor, they said. I can't talk about it.

BBC Music Day

Sir James was speaking to Radio Ulster ahead of a BBC Music Day performance at Crumlin Road Gaol in Belfast on Friday evening.

He believes the education system in the north of Ireland needs to change so children grow up together and he also suggested Britain's historic role in Ireland was immoral.

He said: Wouldn't you say it is immoral for one country to take over another country just because the other country is not so well armed? Wouldn't you think that was immoral?

Well, let me put this to you would you not think that 800 years ago what the British did was immoral and kept doing it and it is still immoral? He talked about his Irish identity and how he felt brainwashed by Presbyterianism when growing up in Belfast.

I would like Ireland to be Ireland. People ask me where do you come from and I say Ireland.

And they say are you Irish? And I say yes Im Irish.

He explained he does not consider himself to be Northern Irish and on how he answers questions from people about accepting a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth in 2001, he added:

They say, well how do you become a Sir? I say, because I come from the British occupied part of Ireland.

Then when I grew up we grew up as Protestants and we were brainwashed to the Protestant ethic, and to their way of thinking. For example, we knew all the sights of London, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace and all that but we didn't know Stormont.

Discussions around identity in the north of Ireland often prove controversial.

Last year, Anna Lo MLA of the cross-community Alliance Party was praised and criticised in equal measure after she declared her preference for a united Ireland.

Ms Lo described herself as �anti-colonial� and called the partition of Ireland artificial.

How beautiful it is that! people who do not fit the stereotype willing to not only question the Westminter inspired claims /propaganda on the reasons and causes of the 'troubles' but declare them as fairy tales.

Like all fairy tales told for a reason.
from the Irish savage to the United Irishmen to the Shinner to the 'Republican' to basically anyone Irish who got in their way of historical plunder and continued holding of stolen goods.
Does not this insane Crown system continue to this day in the 21st century to actually lay claim to even the river beds in Ireland!

Like all fairy tales told for a reason

Made a monster to fear and hate so the Crown had a right to kill and encourage killing and every crime against humanity, in the name of civilization fear but really all was created fairy tale excuse for stealing land and power and keeping same from those who resisted.

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