Irish Forums Message Discussion :: British immigrants in Ireland more likely to be on welfare

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British immigrants in Ireland more likely to be on welfare

       British immigrants in Ireland more likely to be on welfare British immigrants in Ireland more likely to be on welfare Information
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Irish Author British immigrants in Ireland more likely to be on welfare Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Clan Malley

Sceala Philosopher

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     British immigrants in Ireland more likely to be on welfare

Reading various online quotes in general complaint about British immigrants in Ireland who are more likely to be on welfare in Ireland.

Not something that our President mentioned when recently in Britain sucking up to a family of 'royal' parasites and their mafia and hangers on.
The so called leader of Ireland appeared to have conveniently forgotten that he was talking to the heir of the very same 'royal' family
that forced (via their British military terrorism) a oath of allegiance on the Irish people!
The London branch of a wider pan European royal parasitic mafia, that knew what it was doing by insisting on a oath of allegiance, that it would encouarge a bloody civil war inside the so called 'Free state' of Ireland.
That is what these so called royals, thought about the Irish, \about human rights and democracy!
The Windsors (aka saxe coburg gothas) are a house built by cynical evil parasites, who used terror or the threat of to make gains.

They forced the Irish swear a oath of allegiance to the British royals in a so called peace treaty.
That royal mafia are directly responsible for war and death in Ireland, they have personally financially benefited from death and destruction of the native people of Ireland.
The british royals benefited from Irish suffering, in the same way they personally benefited from the human slave trade.
Irish people of any knowledge are never going to respect (let alone look up to) the evil foundations of the British mafia family, which was a terrorist land grabbing franchise.

Comments about British immigrants in Ireland more likely to be on welfare.

Irish QuotationIn the past the loathing anti British sentiments in Ireland were towards their terrorist military and their mafia royals.
Recently Irish people are getting fed up witnessing British welfare tourists in Ireland.Irish Quotation

The British media in general and especially their tory politicians like to try and portray the British as not only especially hard working, but better than everyone else.

Recent EU studies reported in the Irish national media, have highlighted that British immigrants in Ireland, were more likely to be on welfare of sorts than most other immigrant groups. Only the Nigerian immigrant group being higher.
24% of immigrants who are UK nationals living in Ireland are not in active employment that supports them. 24% are on welfare in Ireland

Spanish media has also been making regular comments of their Brits on the take problem.

Irish QuotationIn Ireland of recent years we have witnessed immigrants from Britain (British being those with no direct line Irish family connections) who are lazier than average and more likely to be on welfare of some form.

British numbers on welfare compared to their % of population in Ireland has them only second to Nigerians, and in context the Nigerians surely
have far more significant cultural barriers to work through, language etc...Irish Quotation

Irish QuotationWhat makes many Irish sick about this recent influx of Brit welfare tourists is they are buying up property (including property that had Irish families evicted) on the cheap compared to their over priced bust in waiting nation, and then collecting welfare!
Most in the past from Britain had Irish connections, they are different and welcome, this is their homeland.

But everyone in Ireland knows what this recent shower of Brits are here for, and more Irish are becoming fed up and vocal.
British welfare tourists are not wanted in Ireland.Irish Quotation

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