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Hypocrisy of Uncle Sam and his ugly lap dog John bullshit

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Sceala Philosopher
Location: Sheffield

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Re: Hypocrisy of Uncle Sam and his ugly lap dog John bullshi

Tkelley wrote:
Mar 02, 2014
The hypocrisy of the US and its former inspiration but now pathetic lap dog UK.

The hypocrisy in their warning Russia for sending it's military into (what is after all its immediate borderland and former land of) Crimea, a piece of land it gave to the Ukraine when part of the USSR.

Uncle Sam and John Bullshit warning Russia about respecting nation states!

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Botox queen John Kerry tells Russia <span>"You just don't in the 21st Century, behave in a 19th century fashion by invading another country on a completely trumped up pretext"</span>

Comedy now has a new hero and a new boundary of taste, thanks to John Kerrys' weapon of mass laughter.

Funny on so many levels, not just because the bully boys aka Worlds Police, will be all bark here, they would not dare raise a actual hand to Russia.
But coming from this pair of allied bullies, who have a history of not respecting so many nations, particularly nations that have resources and ones that it knows it can definitely beat up and force their authority over!
Cruise missiles and drones, altitude bombers sent in by the thousands to mass murder other human beings into submission, this is their idea of 'democracy'.

Tired old Uncle Sam has been over influenced, perverted by his old lap dog, that old hypocrite dog John Bullshit, is no longer fooling anyone with any claimed sense of superior morality, or supposed absolute respect for humanity.

Russia may well be just another bully boy, but for other bully boys to go pointing fingers is just comical when not perverse.

Bully boys that have thought nothing of invading other nations, and still do.
Grenada, Iraq Afghanistan among the more obvious, and a direct and such hypocritical comparison with Kosovo.
Where the worlds police went without UN authority to bomb and without UN authority to force recognition of Kosovo.

As for that pathetic lapdog and former British lion, that shameless so called Great britain and its reality of a terrorist slave trading drug running states history of colonial violence, of forcing their nation and flag onto other lands.
The British Crown invaded and colonized using terrorism not just Ireland, but any island they could get by violence, by bribery and corruption, by cowardly terrorism, from the Malvinas to Gibraltar and to India to South Africa to Palestine.

Just who do these pathetic last century habitual bully boys think they are to tell anyone literally anything!

Uncle Sam and his lap dog John Bullshit, those extreme insecure Bully boys that spy on millions as well as their own.
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Russian Bear shows it's ass and rightly so!

The 21st century world should refuse to fight any of these politicians wars.
Instead we should demand those perverse Politicians who promote war, to go and sort it by fighting each other to death or surrender.

My money is on Putin to wipe the floor with Obama and his lap dog Cameron, at the same time.
Even with one hand tied behind his back, Putin would enlighten those two mouths as to the reality of the effects of violence. Violence they are happy for others to dish out on their behalf, using supposed moral codes and supposed care for humanity.

John Bullshit.

Just wait and watch for the US and British mainstream media bias to follow!
They will present their side of the story, state crafted political news!
They will be looking to condemn as monsters any Russian aggression but will ignore or excuse or place in some (false) context violence any terror of their Ukrainian puppet regime.
The so called new Ukraine Govt and military will be supported by the British and Americans, backed to use the same forms of extreme violence and state terrorism against its own population that the old regime was condemned for!

Take away the façade of supposed news, the reality is the BBC and all British mainstream media present their Governments international policy!
In many ways they are worse than North Korea TV, at least they don't perversely pretend to be impartial!

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