| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: From The Gutter To The Whitehouse, Glasgow Irish alive |
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From The Gutter To The Whitehouse, Glasgow Irish alive
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From The Gutter To The Whitehouse, Glasgow Irish alive Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Hibernian lass
Irish Forums Member
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
From The Gutter To The Whitehouse, Glasgow Irish alive
Good sounds from a band in Glasgow called The Wakes.
Really like this song called - From The Gutter To The Whitehouse, from the Glasgow Irish bands album - 'No Irish Need Apply'.
Sings of the forced emigrant Irish around the world.
The Wakes
Those of us who are ethnic Irish around the world, wake up it is the 21st century. No need to keep your head down anymore.
No need to not be proud to be Irish, and most of all no need to apologise for those brave Irish of times past, who stood up to bully boys and anti Irish racism.
Despite the revisionists and their bias pro British Bullshit, that low perverse breed who would have the abused say sorry to the abuser.
Despite the absurd and hypocritical revisionism from the like the of shatter.
The Irish have nothing to apologise for.
Every corrupt institution that abused in Ireland, was rooted in the abusing Colonial of crown Westminster.
Because of the anti Irish independence work of pro British agents in Ireland
Most Irish are ignorant of these historic facts
The Catholic church in Ireland was British crown approved
The magdalene laundries were British colonial in origin
The Irish banks were corrupt because they are based on corrupt British banks
Contrary to the spies and agents who have infested Irish life, those low lifes who were naively allowed high public profile and out of all proportion!
The Irish have nothing to apologise for, everything to celebrate of the rebels who did not act like common lacky.
Common lackies and cowards are witnessed the world over, where ever a bully bullies.
Ireland should understand why humans not only conform but betray.
Keep it alive, be loud and proud of being Irish, thanks to the minority who refused to bow.