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British daily telegraph False Ireland claims for immigrants.
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British daily telegraph False Ireland claims for immigrants. Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Irish Granny
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Navan
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
British daily telegraph False Ireland claims for immigrants.
Oct 20, 2013
Not my topic, this is posted for ScottyIrishGer, as he is offline with PC problems.
I have some doubts that the daily telegraph made a simple mistake when they recently claimed immigrants could obtain immediate unemployment benefit in Ireland.
Contrary to the British daily telegraph False Ireland claims, immigrants can not claim unemployment benefit instantly in Ireland. The British daily telegraph article was either poorly researched or edited by someone who has little value for basic research.
The British daily telegraph is so anti immigrant, so racist and historically anti Irish, that it would not be a big surprise if someone their thought they were doing their bit for Britain, encouraging the foreigners onto Ireland with their false claims.
News for the little englanders, those who think they are so special, such victims of foreigners, so innocent and perfect if it were not for foreigners!
'Ireland has just as many European immigrants in relation to % of population as any other European nation, Britain is not exceptional at all in Europe'.
The only exceptional thing the British have, is a media that encourages exceptional ignorance and arrogance, that's all!
BTW here is a fact for the little englanders who think it is just foreigners taking the pi££.
Recent EU studies reported in the Irish national media, have highlighted that British immigrants in Ireland, were more likely to be on welfare of sorts than most other immigrant groups. Only the Nigerian immigrant group being higher.
24% of immigrants who are UK nationals living in Ireland are not in active employment that supports them. 24% are on welfare in Ireland
Spanish media has also been making regular comments of their Brits on the take problem.
The following is the the information that the British daily telegraph made about Ireland in a article titled 'benefits in Europe'
Health care Free after living in Ireland for three consecutive years, but free immediately to UK citizens
Not remotely true at all, health service in Ireland is not free for anyone, all services can attract a charge, those exempt are subject to conditions and low incomes. Doctors visits cost €50 average for example.
Medical cards are stricter than the past and everyone must pay something for prescriptions.
Child benefit £110 per month available immediately
Not true, once again conditions apply and amounts are being cut.
Unemployment benefit £160 per week available immediately
Not true in any way what so ever.
See below for the actual strict rules in Ireland
Housing benefit Immediate rent supplement providing short-term support
Not true again, while this has been abused in the past, people may find it far more difficult in future to abuse any of Irelands' social welfare systems.
Rightly so, no one should think Ireland is a easy ride for the lazy.
Soon we are going to make people work for benefits. This scheme has already been piloted in some Counties.
Immigrants are welcome, but those looking to take can clear off! We are not a charity.
Ironically for the little englanders of the British daily telegraph, who imagine it is only foreigners who abuse the British welfare systems, only foreigners are what they term 'welfare tourists'.
Recent EU studies reported in the Irish national media, have highlighted that British immigrants in Ireland, were more likely to be on welfare of sorts than most other immigrant groups. Only the Nigerian immigrant group being higher.
24% of immigrants who are UK nationals living in Ireland are not in active employment.
While Immigrants from the mainly central and east European states which joined the EU in 2004 and 2007 have a lower unemployment rate of 18.4 per cent.
There is no credible reason why British immigrants in Ireland should find work harder to come by, be more likely to be unemployed and on welfare.
If discrimination is a factor (it isn't), then that only makes their numbers even more of a mystery to some! because they would generally find work easier to obtain than many other Immigrants groups, some of who do not even speak English as a first language.
So that general reality, only adds up to the cynical reality that the British immigrants are more likely to be unemployed in Ireland, compared to others, and for no general logical or credible reason, full stop.
The actual rules for automatic unemployment benefit in Ireland have many and strict conditions.
Jobseeker's Benefit or Jobseekers allowance (means tested)
Read here for actual conditions and rules in Ireland
Unemployment benefit in Ireland not a automatic entitlement
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